Separate names with a comma.
It is in charging only when plugged in. get MAC/VM message. Select VM. Then USB mode.
When I plug in my Palm Pre it is recognized and asks if I want to connect to MAC or VM. I say NM and then I get the parallels Palm sync message....
Is it not possible in P5 to assign an IP address manually? Now I remember why I chose Fusion over Parallels 2-3 yrs ago. Unfortunately, they...
I am trying to connect my Palm Pre smart phone to my Windows 7 VM on PD 5.0. I connect my Pre to USB, select Pre as USB drive. It shows up in...
Can anyone offer help?
I am converting my Windows 7 Home Premium VM from vmWare Fusion 2.0.6 to PD 5 (build 9310). It imported with no problem. In Fusion, I am running...
I got this to work (sort of). I installed Transporter in Linux and ran there. Linux sort of works, ie no sound, and no shared folders. Not sure...
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I am running Fusion 2.06 and trialing PD5. My W7 VM runs fine. Now I am trying to convert my Ubuntu 8.04.1 Fusion VM to Parallels. When I try...
Never mind. I saw in Knowledge base that Transporter does not support the Bootcamp partition. I have been trialing both Parallels and Fusion....
Any help here?
I am trialling Parallels. I am running windows/XP SP2 in a boot camp partition. I want to run Transporter on this system to create a Parallels...
I am not really interested in weather or not they work well together. I am concerned that one would change a system such that it would no longer...
I am currently trialling both Parallels and Fusion. I installed Fusion first. I am running a bootcamp partition which I also run as a Fusion VM....
Nevermind, I got it.
How long does it take to get a trial code? I filled out the form this morning, but have not received the email.
Thank you. I'll give it a try. Any gotchas testing PD going from Fusion?
Stacey, Thank you. If I use a non-bootcamped VM, I just start Parallels Desktop and use it? No need to run a conversion utility first?
I am running a trial copy of fusion (bootcamped partition). When i am done, I would like to trial Parallels. Is there a conversion tool like...
Thank you. I have been reading up on this. Seems like I will have to uninstall from my PC.