Separate names with a comma.
Hi, If you use Mac OS X 10.4.x (tiger) and Parallels Desktop 5.0, please read this thread first:
hi, CarloL. Please, do the following: 1. Select checkbox Parallels Desktop -> Preferences -> General -> Use detailed log messages 2....
hi, DieterS. Please, do the following: 1. Select checkbox Parallels Desktop -> Preferences -> General -> Use detailed log messages 2....
Hi, heroesvoice. 1. Can you change resolution of captured pictures? If you can - try different resolutions. Start from lowest one. 2....
For all who use Mac OS X 10.4.x (Tiger), more detailed instraction. Please do the following: 1. Make sure you can administrate your computer:...
Hi, Emerson. Please, do the following: - start virtual machine - connect your device to virtual machine to reproduce issue - generate...
Please, do the following: - run virtual machine - try to connect your device - generate problem report (go to menu Help -> Problem Report)...
Hi, LarsC. To find roots of the problem we need some info. Please, do the following: - boot to mac os - run parallels desktop - open...
Hi, chrisschmidt. What connection mode do you use for usb devices? (You can check it throw menu Parallels Desktop -> Preferences -> USB) Do...
Hi, zeebaron. You can create problem report throw menu: Help -> Report a Problem
Kernel extensions placed in the following folder /Library/Parallels/Parallels\ where x can be: 4 - for...
Hi, EmmanuelG. Please do the following: 1. select checkbox Parallels Desktop -> Preferences -> General -> Use detailed log messages 2....
Hi, Keith Macpherson. If you use mac os x 10.4.x on your mac, please do the following: 1. Open Info.plist file from prl_usb_connect.kext for...
Hi, zeebaron. If you have mac os 10.4.x, you can try workaroud posted in previous post. In other case, please do the following: - select...
Thanks, AvnerPeretz. It looks like a small problem in prl_usb_connect kernel extension for mac os 10.4.x. We will fix it soon. There is a...
Hi, JensK. Please, provide us some additional info: - select checkbox Parallels Desktop -> Preferences -> General -> Use detailed log...
Hi, AvnerPeretz, jason hall, nimad. To find reason of such behavior we need some additional info. Please, do the following: - select...
Hi RolandJ. Hi Stewarsh. What software (name and version) do you use in guest os to record/recognize sound from usb-headset. Link to the site...
vicz, help us fix this bug please. 1. Connect your Garmin GPS to MacOs 2. Start Parallels Desktop 3. Go to help menu, generate problem report...