Separate names with a comma.
Yes, this trick is also OK, thank you for posting it. I mean the following; note selected item ("Mac mini EFI Firmware Update"): [IMG]...
Hallo. If you experience kernel panics (i.e. Mac freezes with grey screen) with build 4560 an do not want to use special build there are two...
It will not corrupt Windows. When you switch on your Mac again and start VM you will find Windows exactly as you left it. In most cases Windows...
Unfortunately it is impossible to run Compiz or Beryl or any other 3D application with hardware acceleration in Linux guest. We are not going to...
We will investigate these issues. Thank you for your feedback.
Hallo. Yes, you are right. When Mac OS X is running idle it performs some work but there is not much to do, so processor does not run hot and the...
We have resolved this issue, the fix will be available in the next free update. If you need a solution immediately you can just disable VT-x in...
Hallo. Could you tell me what exact Parallels build you use? If it is not 4560, please update to it. Do you experience GSODs only when you...
OK, thank you for your feedback. We will investigate this issue.
Yes, it is. Do you have Windows 98 or Windows 98 SE? We will investigate this issue.
Hallo. Yes, this is Windows 9x problem. When it's idle it runs infinite loop that eats processor time instead of halting CPU like most modern OS...
Unfortunately I don't know any. Network does not work for me, but can work for you as you can have another network configuration, etc.
mkstevo, I'm glad to hear that it works. What about network, Haiku just hangs when I enable it. I don't know the reason as I did not perform any...
In fact we don't. :) Run Terminal, cd into directory where you've downloaded Haiku image and type the following commands: bunzip2...
Yes, Parallels works on Macs with more than 4GB of RAM. But note that one VM can not use more than 1.5GB.
I meant that pure performance of tasks running in VM is not affected. But if those tasks actively use peripheral devices, yes, tools do improve...
Guest tools do not affect performance, they just make mouse cursor run smoother.
> Now trying to find any information about what the differences are between the various OS profiles. The differences are pure technical and they...
You can find links to images of Fedora Linux here: (I would recommend you choose mirror...