Separate names with a comma.
For some reason Parallels (4.0.3540) keeps loosing permission for shared folders and shared desktop. I get an XP login prompt and the only way to...
With any luck they will get more current Direct X support in the future, but we'll have to wait and see what happens...
One thing to keep in mind (although this probably isn't the problem posted here): I kept having a problem with parallels quitting. Further...
Alright, I was fairly excited to see that the addition of 3D to parallels would allow some games to run, most notebly which was one of my all time...
I fixed mine by changing the permission group from "admin" to "wheel" & choosing apply to enclosed items. Now all my users can load it fine!!!
I'm still waiting for them to spooge DX10... :rolleyes:
Because someone posted it near the top of this thread... Wonder if he was trying to start a hoax???
None of this worked for me either...
Outside of Aero & 3rd party apps, 3D offers no benefit to the OS to my knowledge...
My parallels cpu usage at idle is between 15% - 20%... Using XP (w/other stats shown in my signature)... The USB settings are set to whatever...
I've tried doing forum searches and can't seem to find any references to this (not to say they aren't there but if they are I'm not searching with...
I don't see any difference... Esentially Aero under vista is not yet supported, and therefore the actual interface is still the default blue......
There was a note some time back that you shouldn't use the apple menu within parallels... I actually pushed a bit back then to find out why, and...
Ah, that explains it... I myself couldn't understand why Aero wouldn't work if Direct X was supported... Stupid me forgot 9 was the current...
I read the list of games a few days ago, and it was before I had paid... You needed to look for it, they didn't exactly have a javascript...
It's working fine for me... Had a couple of weird things after the first boot of the VM, but after the install of tools everything seems fine......
I see this all the time in XP... If I set the wallpaper to none, it's replaced by the solid color defined in the wallpaper. If You set it to...
Essentially this occurs when you suspend an image, and then toggle the caps lock key. When you resume the image, the image assumes Caps is the...
It seems interesting that users who do qualify for a free upgrade will "be sent their free upgrade keys within one week of Parallels Desktop for...
A re-install of parallels tools appeared to fix the unable to uninstall problem, but that still doesn't tell me how to get it so I can edit a VM's...