Separate names with a comma.
Yes try disabling adaptive hypervisor and Real Time Disk Optimization. Reboot and see what happens. Also have you reset the SMC on your mac yet?
im running parallels 12 i think that is why the option to pause windows is in a different location. See if you have the option under hardware <...
Im running parallels Desktop for MAC 12.0.1 and i use windows 7 and windows 10 everyday to program. I only use 1 external monitor but its working...
This may help Looks like the same issue but on a much older...
what version of access do you have? The newest one? Also are you an administrator on your windows machine? Thanks
I have copied the .pvm file for my virtual machine to an external drive before and opened it on a windows machine just because that is what i had....
could you please also post your modality settings? Vm Configuration < Options < Modality
I would defiantly call support and get this resolved. If you were given an updated key they can convert it back to your older version
The .pvm file is missing? If the pvm file is still on your Mac we can most likely recover your VM. Please post back and I will help you all that I...
Yes if you are not running at least 10.10.5 this would explain why you didn't get the update automatically because your system does not qualify.
I agree and you won't because this will work just fine in parallels 11 because that's what I was running two weeks ago and never had a problem so...
correct your going to have to use a system image of your mac mini to restore it to a virtual machine. So a bare mac OS X VM should be created...
I agree 110%! Please do not think other wise. I am a parallels product expert which is just a user of parallels that is knowledgable enough that...
click the link to open them and then after they open in a new window wait about 5 seconds and click refresh in your browser. This is how i have...
Here is a Screenshot of the parallels shared applications folder under the windows 10 start menu. See if your mac applications (Chrome for OS X)...
because windows 10 uses a hash algorithm to check default file extensions. The mac file extensions sometimes do not Work right with the windows...
Just to start with the basics, have you reinstalled parallels tools? What are you configuration settings? Is the VM isolated from the mac? Please...
open your windows 10 VM configuration settings by clicking the gear icon in you parallels control center or actions < configure with the VM open...
When are you getting this error? You should just be able to click the + in the parallels desktop control center to start the wizard and then...
Ok I was able to get oracle forms runtime working inside a windows 10 VM. So i immediately took a snapshot after installing and setting the...