Separate names with a comma.
Parallels is a product on the mac that virtualizes windows. None of this applies to your dell laptop. Sorry.
Unfortunately I switched back to 9 for now. I submitted the problem, hopefully next update they will get it fixed.
Use the report a problem under the help menu. Many have this same issue and it definitely needs to be addressed. It feels like OSX 10 grabs the...
Use the report a problem function under help in parallels. I also see this issue and have multiple requests pending a fix. It gets worse when you...
That is a function that OSX needs to support and has nothing to do with Parallels. The only thing I recommend is use the hot corners function of...
Do you have any other key changer installed? Like Karabiner, or keyremap4macbook?
Even though I'm a moderator, I'm actually having the same issue. I recommend open a ticket up with them. They will schedule a time with you where...
Reason I asked about Acronis, is because it's "Parallels safe", which basically translates to it forces Parallels to create auto snapshots so that...
I'm sorry. Should have read your question more carefully. Do you have Acronis 2015 backup running?
Go to configuration on your VM. Under the tab security, uncheck smart guard.
You have to give Parallels permissions to capture keyboard keys. Go into system prefs on your mac. Security & privacy. Click accessibility....
It's the way mac works. When you close a window on the mac the "last" window that had focus becomes focused again. And if it's in a different...
Unfortunately you can't really just connect a partition. One OS or the other has to mount the whole drive. The way I'd do it, is have it connect...
Go into parallels => preferences. Select shortcuts. Select system shortcuts. And set the dropdown to "Always".
Which tool do you want tested? Try P10 trial. I use better touch tool and it does send modifiers across. You do have to have "send keys to VM" set...
If it was a major bug in Parallels, I'd think that everyone would have issues. I have a rMBP as well (similar specs). One thing I noticed is if...
The % is based on total CPU usage. So 500% means at least 5 cores are being used at 100%. I'd say you are having an IO issue, but you said 1tb SSD...
Try DirectX 9 instead of 10. Does that fix? Also recommend uninstall Parallels Tools from Windows, then reinstall again.
If it says 0, why do you think you have 40GB of space available. Or are you talking about Windows reports 0 but the install program shows 0 when...
Go into Parallels menu => Preferences (or CMD+,). Select system shortcuts, and you actually want to send system shortcuts "always" so that the VM...