Separate names with a comma.
Is 64 bit Vista fully supported by Parallels with this latest build?
I'm not sure if you can. I *believe* the names assocuated with the icons are the Windows drive letter followed by the VM name. Such as for me if...
That's the idea. That's your path back into the VM's HD while the VM is active. You should note though that if you don't want this to appear...
I hear you!
You've made THREE posts, since you registered 12 days ago, and one of those three is this post asking who else makes virtulization products for...
Edit your virtual machine, click on shared folders and uncheck "All Windows Disks". What you are seeing is your Windows VM's HD shared to your...
It's funny. You come on these forums and bitch about product being released without proper testing. Fusion RC1 is chock full of bugs .........
Wow I thought I made my preference known. If Parallels were to disable or remove Coherence, I would remove it from my system and use Fusion...
Does the outlook issue happen on a real PC as well or just in Parallels?
David, Is there a particular reason you are so against the idea of coherence and integration of Parallels and OS X especially since it is an...
It's not. I have an external array (2 drives and a CD/DVD burner) attached via FW800. I also have networked all in one from HP. I too cannot...
Thanks for your clarification. I will stand by my original assumption though that they have at least one in house web developer. They are paying...
So it is your belief that their web developers are the same people developing Parallels Desktop? Or is it your suggestion that their web... Looks like they are looking for beta testers again. My previous beta login seems to be taken, so I...
I feel SO much better now. I really did think Explorer mounted the disk, I just wasn't at a computer which had PD installed so I could not verify...
DRM is not supported in a VM under WMP.
The upgraded format cannot be rolled back. If you want to use 3.0 and all it's new features a Boot Camp partition really is the best option....
I think the change from 2.5 to 3.0 changed the format from a renamed iso file to a non compatible system. This would also explain why 2.5 cannot...
Well the .hdd file is a proprietary format so you're not going to be able to mount it. Easiest suggestion I can think of for your need is to...
Did you try Parallels Explorer in the Parallels Application folder? That should be what you are looking for.