Separate names with a comma.
Can you press Help -> Send technical data from agent context menu? And attach report ID number here
Can you provider result file of Record Windows Tool? Can you generate problem report using Parallels Toolbox (Help -> Send Technical Data)?
Hello, BrianS8 Do you have same problem when use Record Area Tool which take video of area?
Yes, don't forget to record screen using QuickTime
Hello ReckA1 Does problem continue to occur? Can you try to record screen using QuickTime and tell me do you have same problem with QuickTime? Can...
Hello, ChristianS10 Does problem continue to occur? Can you try to record screen using QuickTime and tell me do you have same problem with...
We try to resolve this problem in future release? Does problem reproduced if you try record screen again?
You can change the default input audio device in System Preferences -> Sound -> Input Record Screen uses the default audio input.
Hello, can you generate problem report and type problem report number here
Hello Sultan I am developer of Parallels Desktop Bug with black image is Apple bug. Recently Apple say that bug fixed. I think you should update...
Hello, gingerninja - try disable RDP on Mac and Windows Virtual Machine - restart Virtual Machine - generate problem report again - try to...
Hello gingerninja and MarceloM Can you answer some questions: - do you have prl_cc.exe process started? - do you have any Sharing Screen...
I'm sorry that you had to do so much extra work. We will work to improve the Parallels Desktop. Can you tell when you last updated the Parallels...
RadekV, please close Safari, and restart Parallels Desktop Open Safari only when Parallels Desktop installation finished
NotoriousBIC, are you have updated Parallels Tools in Windows 8 guest? If Parallels Tools Updated please click on "Open In IE" button in Safari...
RadekV, please restart Safari and check "Open In IE" extension exists in Safari (check it in Safari Preferences -> Extensions)
NotoriousBIC, please do this steps: - turn off firewall if you use it - quit from Safari - quit from Parallels Desktop - reboot your Mac -...
He BarryinColorado We always display in the guest all printers regardless of connected they to computer or not. That's why there are all 6...
Hi BarryinColorado Big thanks for report on running Virtual Machine! I understand answers on 2 and 3 questions. But can't understand 1 and 4...
Hello, IngeborgS Could you please describe your problem in more detail and generate problem report?