Separate names with a comma.
Agree. Cancelled the Pro subscription and switched over to VMWare. Not enough quality for this price and ‚mew' features are meaningless if...
What you mean? What configuration needs to be updated? And since VMWare Fusion does not have any issues on the same machines, I doubt we talk...
Thanks for the suggestions. Sadly, none of them helped. Tested on MacBook M1 Pro 16 GB Ram and Mac Mini M2 Pro 16 GB with the professional version...
This problem remains unresolved. It is not limited to M1 but present on all Apple Silicons. And VMWare does not have this issue, so it is a bug in...
wrong forum, you might ask this in the windows guest forum
Well Andrew - performance is abyssal with PD 9, 10 and 11 when using a Mac OS guest. I wonder what any ticket will help after you didnt fix your...
Yes, it is not useable. I am regretting buying the version, as I didn't expect this. Had to move completely to Fusion for the projects that...
Interesting answer. You question was why the guest cant get your location, even WIFI is enabled - not about 3d support.
No, its actually worse. I do strongly suggest to look elsewhere or wait till the situation gets better.
Well, hate to say this, but PD 11 looks like rushed to release. I am deeply regretting to have purchased PD 11. Currently I am using VMWares...
Hi, one question: Does PD 11 support 3d graphic support for Mac guests?
It almost looks like the desktop is using EGA Color. MInd checking the graphic adapter in Windows?
No problems with Fusion. Time to say goodbye.
Does anyone have experience with Bootcamp and can tell iff there is a difference?
Same here, again an extension I have to uninstall everywhere.
Spamm issue was taken care off (topic can be deleted)
Open the notification center under system settings and configure the entry for parallels desktop the way u want... What are you doing with a...
Hi, supposed I have two identical configured VMs running the same version of Windows 7. However one VM is a Bootcamp partition and the other is...
When version 9 was released I gave it a try. The trial is about to expire. From what I understand will customers who are qualifying for a free...