Separate names with a comma.
Hi there! I was wondering if the performance improvements for DirectX11 are already noticeable in the Catalina beta, if I wanted to try that? I...
Hi there! Whenever I want to play Black Desert Online in my Parallels virtual machine, it gives the message 'This app cannot run under a Virtual...
Now that DX11 is implemented, I'm wondering how easy it would be to implement Vulkan support as well (for games like Doom 2016 etc.)? :D
Another question I forgot to ask was whether or not I need to change any of the VRAM settings with my eGPU connected, or do I leave it as-is and...
Hi there, After using the trial of Parallels desktop I am very interested in purchasing the software, but I had a couple questions first: From...
Upon launching Parallels Desktop 14 in macOS Mojave 10.14.5 it says 'Parallels Desktop is not optimized for this version of mac and needs to be...
I guess my question is fundamentally how DirectX operates in the Parallels VM environment... I'm just realizing now that many games that run in...
Hi there, I installed Skyrim in my Parallels 14 VM, and after installing some mods it said 'd3dx9_43.dll' is missing at game startup and crashed....
Hi there! This isn't a direct answer to your main question about utilizing the dGPU, but how much RAM are you assigning to the VM? I'm pretty...
Hi Ian, I have a 4 core (8 thread) i5 Macbook pro, and I have set the VM to use all 8 threads and it has still been fine for me, macOS still...
I know it is stated that this can freeze the main OS (macOS), would I still be able to use Parallels and exit out to macOS after I was finished?...
Battlefield 1, Battlefield V, Battlefront 2 (2018), Halo 5, Quantum Break
Hi there, I was wondering if you have thought about going this route for DX11/12 / Vulkan support with Parallels? I know MoltenVK isn't yet...
Thanks for the reply Maria, I wrote my post as more of a question rather than a suggestion, I was just wondering (assuming that there is work or...
Hi there! I've been seeing a bit of chatter about DX11/12 support in the feature requests section, and I was wondering how you plan to implement...
Fallout 4, Black Desert Online, The Witcher 3, GTA V, Far Cry 5, AC: Odyssey, Star Citizen ;)