Separate names with a comma.
Did you actually acquired this license or otherwise given by your company (Enterprise licenses are sold in volume); or you downloaded what...
You can just block internet access at the router/gateway level for the respective Mac IPs/MACs, and that's really where you should be blocking...
MS introduced HiDPI support in Windows 8, if I'm not mistaken.
The intent of this thread is to share tips on how users can speed up OS X Guests There are plenty of other threads that deal with complains about...
Next time you launch Parallels open the Activity Monitor before and monitor the Memory Pressure.
Do you still have access to your old Mac? Just copy the .pvm over.
Well, you can always kill the process in the task manager, shouldn't create any problems, I believe. Another, cleaner way, but requires more work,...
The likely cause is that There's no hardware video acceleration for OS X Guests, AFAIK Apple doesn't allow access to the API in order to permit...
As I said:
No alternatives on the market, Virtualization Apps, support OpenGL 3+ currently. Bootcamp is not exactly an alternative, the reason why people...
XP has no support for HiDPI displays.
The answer is no, you can't. You can only control the amount of cores dedicated to the VM. And you can tune Options > Optimization > Power for...
Like I've written on the tip thread, the slow performance is due to lack of hardware acceleration support in OS X guests, all the graphics are...
To answer your question, once the transfer is complete and successful (you should test it), the original installation and the virtual machine are...
Anyway I really doubt they invented a new VPN protocol and it's probably just an automated script paired with OpenVPN (which can work on OS X...
Easier, Have the Mac connect directly to the VPN. In turn this will make any connection coming of the Mac, even a VM, go thought the VPN.
Was the VM Bootcamp based?
This message means that the game you are trying to run has a mechanism to detect if it's running inside a VM, for some reason, the game developers...
Apple has an utility to administer various iOS devices, Apple Configurator: