Separate names with a comma.
With XP and Windows 7 I used Coherence almost exclusively (some games only ran in full screen). With Windows 8 it does not seem to work properly,...
I would say that if you can't boot into Boot Camp that you should not try to run Parallels on your BC partition. For Parallels to use a BC...
In the virtual machine options, applications uncheck "Show Windows application folder in Dock" and wait until it finishes. Then check the box to...
Hi all, not sure if anyone else has tried to upgrade to Windows 8 using Boot Camp, and then set up a Parallels virtual machine from it. Boot Camp...
Wow! I guess reading the manual has it's advantages... Can you use the CAC from the Mac side? I use PKard or my Mac did not even recognize when...
I'd contact technical support directly for this problem. None of us have seen this error so nobody had an idea about fixing it. Parallels staff...
Windows XP can't see the reader until you install the appropriate driver for your CAC card, and then you really can't do anything with it until...
I would boot into BootCamp to install Windows drivers directly, or from the Snow Leopard disk. I would not do this in a Parallels running Windows...
If the folders are from the Mac side check what shows up under Macintosh HD. It's possible Mac OS X had duplicates. Unfortunately under Lion if...
The only time installing or running something should start Parallels is if the program is associated with Windows. Typically .exe and things like...
If you have a dynamically sized virtual machine is there anything on the Mac side that you can delete to to make more room? That should allow the...
I agree with Specimen, I'd upgrade to P7 under Snow Leopard. After everything worked properly I'd update to Lion. I don't think the upgrade to...
If you select "Use Windows from Boot Camp Partition" it will do what you want. A .hdd file will be created but it will only contain Parallels...
I never had version 2, so this is speculation only. I'd back everything up (make a zip of your virtual machine). Using Parallels 2 I'd uninstall...
It does not seem to when I boot from Boot Camp, and if you check the system profiler only the non-Parallels related drivers load when you use Boot...
I've gone from version 5, to 6, to 7 so I'd say it should work. You can always back up your virtual hard disk (I often zip mine periodically and...
After using the System Update of Fedora I was prompted by Parallels Tools to reinstall it for full functionality. I did this and upon restarting...
Are you being asked to reboot the Mac, or to restart Windows 7? Do you get any report of an error or anything? Did the Windows 7 install go...
I've seen this behavior, and also had the contrary where what I type in the Windows screen mirrors onto a Mac program. I've not managed to catch...
This is a bit of an odd one, I've had the opposite where every mode except Coherence was available. I expect you have restarted Windows/Parallels...