Separate names with a comma.
I would like to report the same bug in a Fedora 7 guest. Parallels build 5584. The device is a PNY Attache 4GB usb flash drive.
This thread was moved from " Parallels Desktop for Mac > Windows Guest OS Discussion". Alicia Hello, Once again I'm popping out of...
You should return Vista Home and get Vista Business. See this post: After you do that,...
Time machine does not do diff's. If time machine would make another copy of the VM file(20GB for mine...) every time any part of it changes....
Hello folks, Some of you may remember me back in the RC days when I worked through some issues with sound and Dragon. I've been lurking since...
The way that smart-select launches programs depends on what the program (in windows) does when you launch it from the command line. This is due to...
Hello, For one, this forum has a turn-around time of days, not hours. Expecting quick turn around time from people who do not work at Parallels...
This happens in OSX with any game using a USB HID controller as well. This is a OSX bug that Apple needs to fix, and I doubt that Parallels can...
Has anyone tried running Starcraft in a Parallels VM? There is an OSX version, but it makes my Macbook a bit too warm for my tastes as it is...
Sure. Make 5 virtual floppy images with Parallels, copy the files over and the switch which one is connected to the VM when the program asks for...
You need to put in a Microsoft Windows install disc, not an office disc. ...
I would think, that at the bare minimum, telling Parallels what OS you are trying to run in the VM (and maybe what kind of Mac you have) would be...
What version of Parallels are you running? They released a fix for "USB updates" a few weeks ago...
'expanding' disks do not work this way. An 'expanding' disk in Parallels is a disk that 'expands' the file that is the disk in MacOS so that...
What do you mean by "play through"? I use the sound input to Dragon frequently and have not have any troubles with it...
Parallels does not support firewire.
Try turning off DirectX support for your VM in "Edit VM"->Video Card It will use the software rendering that was used in 2.5 when that checkbox...
There are ways of getting this working through VNC (and synergy2) but they are hackish at best. Consider Dragon like another keyboard, except...
What hardware is this running on?
Where did you change the size?