Separate names with a comma.
If you are using BootCamp I can not help you in detail because as it was in unsupported beta 2 years ago I chose not to use it First clone...
Welcome to the wonderful world of the Apple Mac I have used Macs since about 1988 my SE and SE 30...
it pays to treat any computer gently I have been using Parallels for nearly two years and never experienced a kernel panic You are not...
the real experts are on holiday I am just a very satisfied user I took about a hundres photos today connected my videophone to the mac...
I hope you kept a cloned copy of your original VM file and can run that using your old installation you have hit the Easter break so email...
I am sticking with 10.4.11 for now to avoid issues with application updates PD >> Menu >> Actions >> Install parallels tools also creates a...
which versions of Windows, Mac OS and Parallels? Parellels tools manages this much better and eliminates the "Windows to Mac (control+alt), "...
you may get aquicker result if you email customer services there are holidays and a long weekend now Hugh W
I do not know I just keep all my data in shared folders and never on the VM Hugh W
what machine and OS are you using? PD creates visual noise when it relases the video card on a VM shut down but moving the affected window...
I just use two screens us wrinkly mac people started with a 9 inch screen and a 17 inch as well as soon as we could afford it and the video...
If you must go to 10.5 first clone your VM try to make a clean install and leave the old OS untouched - as a back up - which was the old...
not my world but for WinXp on Mac OS small is beautiful 924 mb from 2gb ram 32 gb vm Hugh W
which version of Parallels ? OS ?? numbers count Hugh W
I just use a La Cie 800 firewire for my VM and it keeps on trucking back / clone up to a second and that will run too 10.4.11 WinXp sp 2 -...
keep it simple is the Mac on line? mine says Network Adaptert 1 :shared networking I have 32gbVK 926 ram out of 2 gb run from a LaCie...
I just pack my La Cie disks with the Laptop -- luggable not portable :-) Hugh W
I use a 3 button mkouse so i right click "open with" and x always Hugh W
I fixed the old VM by taking a snap shot after which it was back in service "snake oil" no idea why it worked Hugh W
not if upgrading from 5582 use PD >> Menu >> Help >> check for upgrades Parallels has givern me all upgrades free except from 2.5 to 3.0...