Separate names with a comma.
in the Mac OS context I chose which VM I wish to run on start up I have WinXP and two back up clones on two external disks and I chose...
5 posts on the same subject in a couple of hours suggests you are a newbie volunteers like me log on once a day and you may be in a totally...
yes yes yes if you value a program keep it up todate but I do stick with OS 10.4.11 and WinXp sp2 (seven MS updates today) Hugh W
I opened my VM but did not run it and cloned it to an external Firewire Hard disks I now keep all my VM on external disks and run them from...
please search the forums for previous answers i have seen similar threads over the nearly 2 years that I have used Parallels - I avoided...
I rejected Botcamp nearly 2 years agp becasue it was in beta why do you need it? Hugh W
if you search the forums for IPv4 you can see it enables networking choices and there...
why do you want to do this? the Mac OS is highly automated and it pays not to hack around unless you are a computer science student using a VM...
thanks Xenos so keeping my data in shared folders is not essential any more my intuiton says that saving into shared folders helps keep the...
googled IPv4 was the first version of Internet. Protocol to be widely used, << if it ain't broken don't fix it Hugh W
the Mac Intel already runs on UNIX under the Mac OS shell so what killer apps do you ned to run? or are you taking a degree in computer...
LOL Dajiu for no money you get nothing you shouid have got the half price update when 3.0 came out Hugh W
which is why I use windows keyboards with my MacBook pro and both layouts available (actually danish keyboards with a danisn winXp sp2 and a UK...
Verions count which Firefox ? on Mac OS 10.4.11 I stickwith Firefox because 2.0. hung often SeaMonkey is also becoming...
a hard answer is get an OEM Winxp sp2 DVD at a "build your own computer store" why Win 2000 ? a legacy system it used to deliver blue...
PS >> Menu >> devices >> shared folders >> add >> your mac os user name >> desktop and >> all mac disks I include external firewire disks too...
past experience is that small is beautiful my WinXp VM works well with 924 mb but a 32g hardedisk only 20% full allowing plenty of room for...
which build of 3.0? Hugh W
clone it onto an external hard disk open it on the new machine clone a copy onto the new machine MS may pick this up by authentication...
when in Windows admin look for some check box about defaults or possibly create a new user (eg for a child guest with no privileges) to force...