Separate names with a comma.
That's correct, please contact Apple support to fix the issue. I/O error means your Virtual Machine is located on corrupted sectors of Macintosh...
Great! Please feel free to reach us anytime for support.
Welcome! Please feel free to reach out for support.
We'll process a refund for the wrong purchase. You'll receive a confirmation email shortly. To purchase the full version, please visit:...
Users, who have Parallels Desktop 10 and 11 can purchase Parallels Desktop 12 upgrade license. If you're new and would like to use Parallels...
The latest build for Parallels Desktop is 12.1.3, check for updates and keep us posted the result.
Please check your private message and respond, we'll continue from there.
Select Parallels icon (II) from Mac tray > Preferences > Shortcuts > Applications Shortcuts > Scroll down and disable "Show Next and Previous Tab"...
Please follow the steps outlined in the KB article resolves Mac heating issue and keep us posted the results.
Time synchronization works improperly, check if this KB article help.
That's correct! You can use a printer on both Mac and the virtual machine with unchecking "show the page setup before printing"
Questions mark symbol in Parallels control center means the virtual machine is either moved to a different location or removed. Click here for...
Hey @VelancheS, Create the virtual machine with Express installation unchecked. To allocate more CPU and Memory Options Step 6 choose "Customize...
Please disable Pause when possible option steps followed: Shutdown macOS Sierra. Open virtual machine configuration > Options > Optimization >...
Please try reinstalling Parallels Tools from Mac menu Actions > Reinstall Parallels Tools. If the issue still persists, please try reinstalling...
Is it internal Mac or any external keyboard? Please check whether keyboard layout mapped correctly in Windows virtual machine. And try...
We tried reproducing on our side with the same setup. We were able to use the command "control + alt + V" to paste special in Excel 2016 without...
To download the latest version of Parallels Desktop 12, click here.
Hey @aspen63, Please check your private message.