Separate names with a comma.
Please update Parallels Desktop 12.1.3 to the latest build. Reinstall Parallels Tools and keep us posted the result.
Even Windows PC users facing the issue, click here and check all replied for more information. Try creating new user account in Windows virtual...
Please try reinstalling Parallels Tools and keep us posted the result.
To know how much space occupied by virtual hard disk on your Mac, please refer the KB article. E: and F: which you're referring, what is the...
Please clarify the error message, could you share a screenshot of the error message to investigate further.
Please configure Keyboard layout in Windows virtual machine. Please reinstall Parallels Tools.
Great! Happy to hear that the issue is resolved. Please feel free to reach us anytime for support.
Transferring an existing virtual machine to a new Mac.
Hey @Vadline, Are you able to start native Bootcamp Windows partition?
Please let us know are you trying to run on more than one computer?
Parallels Desktop 11 upgrade activation. We have resent the invoice for the previous activation key, please check your email.
Have you followed steps as per the KB article: - Open OS X System Preferences -> Keyboard and make sure Use all F1, F2 etc. keys as standard...
Try downloading the latest version of PD by clicking here, reinstall and let us know how it goes.
As per your request, we processed a refund. To continue with Parallels Desktop, you need to purchase the full version of Parallels Desktop 12.
Please try reinstalling Parallels Tools then reboot Windows virtual machine and keep us posted the result.
It seems you reached us through email and we responded to your email. Please check your email and respond to that if you any concern.
Hey @RK_, Please follow the steps Microsoft start menu troubleshooting.
Welcome! Please feel free to reach us for support.
Happy to hear that! Please feel free to reach us for support.
By default Parallels Desktop configuration enables sharing Windows application with Mac. You need to disable Windows application sharing -> Open...