Separate names with a comma.
Windows (Xp/Vista) has standard AC97 audio drivers inside it. You do not need to install third party drivers in guest OS.
Unfortunately, you can't use current images from PD4 on Windows host computers.
Do you have SmartGuard feature enabled? Also, please, create a problem report from running VM (Help->Report a problem) and write report ID here.
Only PD for Mac can support Windows 2008 now. And PS betas.
You should install Parallels Tools to be able to use DirectX and OpenGL features. slimemold, did you install tools?
Please, send the problem report to Parallels via Help->Report a problem. You should do it from the VM where the disk was disappeared. And then...
Ok, after that message select "Report a problem" item in the Help menu and send reports to the Parallels. After sending the PD40 tell you the...
Thanks, i wrote you via message tracking system.
Attach /Library/Logs/parallels.log file from your mac. That can help too.
Oops, sorry :) Select "Report a problem" in the "Help" menu item, send report to the Parallels. After sending you will see report ID and write...
Guys, pleeeeaaase, put here report IDs! We can help you if you will post them here. But without reports it's much harder to understand what...
What is your problem report ID?
Ok. You should do the following things: 1. Open configuration editor 2. Select hard disk 1 and click "-" button under the whole hardware list....
Guys, when you have some troubles with VM, better to send a report for us (use in the menu: Help - Report a problem). Remember the report ID and...
Maybe i can make Snapshots.xml too... if you need this.
Ok, let's try. First of all backup your current image. Next execute in the hdd directory the following command (without # of course) # mv...
You can rename the extension of that file to the hdd and try to connect it to VM. Parallels Server should convert it to its format. Also, you...
More information is available in the log files. Check the following log files: * ~/Library/Parallels/Bootcamp.log *...
Ah, may be i misunderstood something. Can you tell me, do you have this device connected to VM? If the device connected it has the mark near it in...
Do you have any network shares connected inside your Windows VM?