Separate names with a comma.
WHirsch, rly strange... i'll check this and inform you for solution or workaround.
WHirsch, hmmm... strange log. Your disk was migrated from real PC or you installed windows in Parallels?
Munkey I saw an input/output error in the log file, that seems that your HDD has some errors. In your mac system log there is an entry: Oct 26...
Guys, if you look in your system log - you will see some messages from Mac kernel, that your hard drive fails to do something: read or write data....
According to your mac log, you have the problem with your hard disk. Sep 29 03:23:40 JBH-MacBook-Pro kernel[0]: disk0s2: I/O error. Sep 29...
I need to check here, that Spotlight is not preventing the volume to be umounted. As workkaround i can suppose to manually umount windows volume.
Can you create problem report when you receive such message and post its number here? I'll check what happened with Parallels Desktop.
I've read it. By default - Parallels connects only one partition. But the information about other partitions still present on virtual disk, but...
Nope, one physical disk should be connected as one virtual. But you can select which partitions from disk to connect to virtual one.
Hmmm. In PD4 you should be able to select which partitions to connect to your virtual disk from real. It's available in the configuration window...
Can you create problem report after the message about "Unable to connect" appears and post its number here? To create report do the following:...
Try to remove HDD from Vm configuration and add it again. Do not forget to check Boot device priority after adding, to make sure that you have HDD...
The CD/DVD drives is mostly standard. So windows should see it without any problems. You can connect it via USB or as usual, as Mac CD/DVD drive...
I checked your report, mlr1973. I can see that your HDD is connected nice, but when you working with it - PD4 write you about HDD error. So, i...
Send problem report and write its ID here. Thanks.
Boot to your native Windows. Go to the %windir%\Driver Cache\I386 (%windir% is a windows directory, that usually is C:\Windows). Check is there...
That utility just set flag to the disk which signals to PD4 to check internal structures and fix them.
Backup your VM. Download the program attached to that message to your home folder (/Users/keith). Double click on it in Finder to unarchive...
frogracer, you should copy paste the commands. You executed "cd /users/keith/documents/parallels/Microsoft\ Windows\ XP.pvm" but need to execute...
Ok, i understand what happened exactly. So, let's try to fix it. Run Terminal program. In the Terminal program type: cd...