Separate names with a comma.
No solution, but you're experiencing something that I already suspected was happening.
The TPM device is I don't use the snapshot feature because it's too slow (and frankly don't trust it). I manually copy a VM file to an external...
Can't remember if this has been asked before, but is it possible that there's a software/driver compatibility issue somewhere? There are some USB...
Regarding the Other Things: Tested USB access using an Airspy HF+ Discovery using SDRsharp software in Win11 and it seemed to work well. The...
1. Cursor still disappears in Linux and Win11. In Linux, upon first booting, if you click inside a terminal window the cursor should change to an...
The new version release is usually the 'fix' for the old release. IOW: I sincerely doubt you're going to see a 17.1.5.
Word of caution: While removing TPM from the VM hardware config may not necessarily make your VM unbootable, it may certainly make the VM so...
Same here under PD18. Bootlocker workaround doesn't work, because it's not operational. Win11 System Information (msinfo.exe) run as...
So, 18's already behind the 8-ball. They're never ahead of the Linux kernel game. Never have, never will. Very frustrating.
I do appreciate it, @ShawnC4, but as I've said before, there are others that have done a whole lot more than I have wrt to the actual required...
As usual, no reference to what *Linux kernels* are supported... only conflicting references to the versions of Fedora it supports, which is not...
I don't take anything personal, certainly not anything on the internet. I'm just correcting the person who said it wasn't clear enough for them,...
There are code changes to Parallels Tools that are specifically required for RHEL as outlined in this thread. Please read through the entire...
No kernel update for my x86_64 FC36 as yet, but I've applied the changes to inode.c as a preemptive strike. I'll let you know the results when it...
Right, but my point is: Usually when you exit the VM the mount point disappears and won't reappear the next time you start it and re-mount the...
Looks like you're trying to patch the iso mount point, which really should be read only and won't amount to a hill of beans. Per step 5 in the...
The prl_eth part turned out to be only redhat/fedora related. There was a followup patch file that changed the conditional directives accordingly....
I doubt it. The software has always had a facility to add TPM. I just didn't work in many instances because Windows itself wasn't prepped properly.
It's suitable for a 5.18.x kernel and especially for FC36. The instructions were detailed and clear as many others have been able to follow them...
As stated, this is not a process that Dummies should bother with. If you can't follow nor understand the directions of the first post then I...