Separate names with a comma.
Hello, please go to System Preferences > Accessibility and scroll down the left sidebar until you come to Pointer Control. You'll see various...
Hi, Please contact the Microsoft support team to check ARM64of Windows 11 is available.
Hi, please refer to the link to fix the Touch bar.
Hi, please refer to the knowledge base article to reinstall the Parallels Tool manually, change Virtual Machine...
Hi, please follow the below-mentioned steps to fix the Edge browser closing automatically. 1. Open Microsoft Edge. 2. Click on the three dots...
Hi, please reinstall the Parallels Desktop, and please check the rhino is compatible with Parallels desktop M1 Mac, windows 11.
Hello mike68, please refer to the knowledge base article to isolate windows from Mac. Thanks, Parallels Team.
Hello OscarN4, please replay to us in the personal message with the email address and license key of the Parallels Desktop account.
Hello, Please replay us in the personal message with the email address, purchase reference number.
Hello, Please provide the screen shot of the error message you are getting while activating the Toolbox.
Hello, please follow the link to setup printer.
Hi, Please follow the link to fix the mouse issue.
Hi, please enable proxy on a Mac update Parallels Desktop to 17 try installing any free appliance or check for updates.
Hello, Please follow the steps to reset the virtual machine. 1. Choose Reset from the Virtual Machine menu. 2. Click the Reset button in the...
Hi, please follow the below steps to create a new Virtual Machine. 1. Start Parallels Desktop, do not launch your virtual machine. 2. Open the...
Hi, Please start Windows virtual machine and click on Actions(On the Mac menu bar) > Reinstall Parallels Tools and check if this works. Please...
Hello, Please start Windows virtual machine and click on Actions(On the Mac menu bar) > Reinstall Parallels Tools and check if this works. Please...
Hi, Please refer to the knowledge base article to install Parallels Tools in Linux virtual machine.
Hi, To fix the BattlEye please go to "C:\Users\[username]\AppData\Local\[game name]" (make sure that you can see hidden files/folders if you can't...
Hello, please refer to the knowledge base article to share the VPN from host to guest OS.