Separate names with a comma.
I attempted to add the entry in /Library/Preferences/SystemConfiguration/preferences.plist to make the Network Service show up like it used to in...
I've been trying to get a simple route working in Parallel Desktop for days with zero success. I had a similar setup working in Mohave using an...
It should be possible to route the traffic without using the GUI, but for some reason the route command lines don't work in Monterey....
Monterey stinks so I'm looking into the painful process of downgrading to a more usable system. Is this going to cause me problems with Parallels...
I have the same issue, I think. There is no host network interface for the host-only network. I think this has more to do with the MacOS version...
I used a VM on my old core2duo as a router providing internet to the host. I did this via a host-only connection then turned on the option to...
According to prlsrvctl it isn't bound to a device. How do I fix this? ~ prlsrvctl net list Network ID Type Bound To Shared...
I think the old interface was called vnic and I don't see that present.
There are a zillion devices listed if I type ifconfig in MacOS, but I can't find any documentation as to which is which
The option to show the interface in System Preferences described here is absent!
How do I get the Parallels ethernet device ("interface") to show up in System Preferences -> Network when using Host-Only? I have this setup on a...
OK, so the freeze error in Kali has nothing to do with UTM. It just happens regardless. I can still hit soft restart so it seems to be an input...
After a reboot, I managed to get further with kali (although I think parrotos is still fubar). It hasn't frozen yet but we'll see. The USB errors...
I just tried Kali and it installed but once I installed the tools it took a long time to boot (USB error showed on the console briefly) then I...
I installed Kali and after the tools install I get a USB error on boot and I can't even login (screen frozen). Does linux work for ANYONE?
I installed ParrotOS 5.1 and the VM will freeze if I install the tools. Indeed I cannot even finish installing the tools unless I quit the display...
Hello. I'm trying to get ParrotOS to work. For some reason the arm64 distribution uses the "img" format, which may or may not be why I get the...
I don't know what you mean by "cross check", but Parrot OS is based on Debian 5.10 and I can't install Parallels Tools.
I'll try to upload a screen shot of the error. I have installed the package manually, but the installer doesn't recognize it. It attempts to...
If anyone has gotten Parallels Tools to work with Parrot OS that'll be news to me.