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Why did you not follow to this KB?
AFAIK there are no tools related to network or disk subsystem for Linux. The only reason to install tools is to get video resolution higher then...
Probably this means TPM is not available at all. Another point: all VMs for M1 are UEFi, so dedicated option is useless.
Very strange.... Owncloud desktop client works even for windows ARM64 on M1... Could you re-download owncloud client installer and re-check?
No. Windows 7 will not work with Parallels 16.5 for M1 Mac
koppah, what happens if you remove and add TPM into VM config again?
As Windows shows that operation complete at 100%, you can just reset the VM. It is safe.
I believe the order of this messages is reversed. The first one is warning about running from external disk. But the second message is about...
short answer: no
A single file is the best way. Do not use splitted disk unless you plan to store it on FAT32 drive, that is obsolete nowadays...
WalterR7, you won't need to send Fn keys to select boot drive. And if you plan to use Windows 10, F8 key became useless as well. Boot order can...
Hello, please collect the tech report once the issue reproduced and post the report's ID here. Thanks.
MikeM10, according to log it seems you have restored VM from backup/time machine? What was happened before on last VM run? Looks like files in VM...
Chack, there is no TPM support in this technical preview.
RoryH, neither SecureBoot nor TPM support implemented in this technical preview unfortunately.
Did you have something like norton antivirus installed in Windows? Did you get this screen each time you tried to boot the VM? I suggest simply to...
No it can not.
I guess *.copy.* files made for the case if you would wish to abort the operation. Once operation completed successfully, try to boot the VM to...
No, it's not safe. The guest OS in VM is running and its states may not be committed to virtual disk. Also such backup can not be resumed on other...
TrevorK2, no. It is not possible to specify logical sector size for virtual disk.