Separate names with a comma.
It seems parallel 17 team are refusing to fix such simple issue Downgrading to win 10 arm works ???
Lost ark can't run on arm 64 issue
Yea yea yea , Jesus People like you are disgusting
you are being so kind to the beggars and cheater trying to act like they are innocent and know nothing about can't use the free trial repeatedly lol
Lol funny ...:D Did that guy just pretended that he had never used the trial ? :rolleyes:
hello , when I tried to launch sonic generation , the following error occurred [ATTACH] [ATTACH] [ATTACH]
my report ID is 380073932
Launch error Unsupported machine architecture ARM64 Is there anyway to fix this ?i wanna know what's the hype about this game ....there are like...
well.. at least the parallel 17 development team are aware of this issue ....
I was playing Yakuza 0 with steam and suddenly the VM automatically suspended itself and a critical error report windows show up afterward I...
lol yea, thats why I buy parallel 17 mostly use it for Everquest & DC universe online
is there any solution for this issue ??
the warning message goes away for few seconds then the game close down itself ( the loading screen of game etc: company logo / loading graphic...
anyone have any idea how to fix this thing or should I just refund for it ?? A new SAMURAI WARRIORS begins. After a 7-year wait, a new...
sorry problem solved , plz disregard my post
good morning Maria I just bought a new license for parallel 17 and it said my Activision key is for the older version of parallel desktop what is...