Network Initialization Failed

Discussion in 'Installation and Configuration of Parallels Desktop' started by StephenB13, Oct 6, 2018.

  1. StefanM12

    StefanM12 Bit poster

    I do for sure not use >pirated< software. Instead, I bought a couple licenses and downloaded parallels desktop 16 for Mac Pro edition after having paid parallels for it.
    The issues that I had with the network connection disappeared only for a short period. Today the mess started again. I wish there was a bug fix that will make the VM work properly, as it did before version 16.
  2. PSG

    PSG Member

    maybe you've got update which again change 0 to -1 and 1 to 0 for both XML files
  3. StefanM12

    StefanM12 Bit poster

    @PSG: Yes, the issue incurred after updating Parallels. I have changed network settings to default as I did before the update, and now it works again.
    I hope the next update will not change the settings from default to whatever.
  4. BrianH18

    BrianH18 Bit poster

    WRONG! I have a reoccurring subscription to your product and it DOES NOT WORK!
  5. lgu

    lgu Bit poster

    Works perfectly for me.
    As an improvement, and because I'm lazy, I gathered a few info on different websites and I used AppleScript to create an application to just have to double-click on it to launch my VM.
    1. launch apple Script
    2. paste below code and modify accordingly USERNAME ans PASSWORD :
      do shell script ("sudo -S -b /Applications/Parallels\\ /Users/USERNAME/Windows\\ 10.pvm") user name "USENAME" password "PASSWORD" with administrator privileges
    3. Export as Application.
    4. modify the application Icon by replacing the "applet.icns" file in the application :
      - generate a custom icns file from a PNG image of your choice on (for example) :
      - right-click on application : choose "show package content"
      - browse to "Resources"
      - replace applet.icns file

    5. Voilà !
  6. AliZ4

    AliZ4 Bit poster

    Hi! I Found the solution of this problem. You can use this to start Parallels without sudo and it should work.

    1. sudo nano /Library/Preferences/Parallels/network.desktop.xml
    2. find <UseKextless>1</UseKextless> (value can be -1), and change the value to the <UseKextless>0</UseKextless>
    3. if you can't to find this tag, then just create it under root tag <ParallelsNetworkConfig ...>here</ParallelsNetworkConfig>

    Result: you can start/restart Parallels without sudo - network will work.
    lalala likes this.
  7. lalala

    lalala Bit poster

    Thank you, it works for me. :)
    Shame on the Parallels Team. :mad:
  8. PSG

    PSG Member

    the solution to fix network and usb exist from page 10 of this thread.
    1) Close Parallels completely
    2) In Terminal, type : sudo nano /Library/Preferences/Parallels/network.desktop.xml (this will open the Terminal text editor "nano")
    3) Type your admin password to access the file
    4) Locate this line <usekextless>-1</usekextless> it could be also value 1  and replace whatever value there with 0, so you should have <usekextless>0</usekextless>
    5) Press Ctrl+O to ask for a save, then Ctrl+X to close the editor
    In Terminal, type : sudo nano /Library/Preferences/Parallels/dispatcher.desktop.xml
    find <usb>0</usb> and change 0 to 1
    again Press Ctrl+O to ask for a save, then Ctrl+X to close the editor
    6) Close Terminal and open Parallels like normal, your VM should load like on Catalina and before :)
  9. Daniele22

    Daniele22 Junior Member

    for usb used like storage not for other use like COM port o something else
  10. PSG

    PSG Member

    yes I wrote about this problem before, about issue that only usb storage devices like pendrive, memory card etc can be mounted in VM here:

    I start support ticket but support spat out for me only "reinstall parralles tools" and they hide again
    anyway I;m not sure editing dispatcher.desktop.xml file other way could fix something more, I think problem lies in PD16.x code
  11. PSG

    PSG Member

    finally I've got answer for my support ticket from Parallels Desktop support Team about other than usb storage devices:
    This is clear statement that PD16 is useless for You if you wish to use other usb device than storage pandrive. Move to VirtualBox, we don't need you :( .
  12. PSG

    PSG Member

    there is no problem with all type of devices in free FUSION 12.1.0

    Attached Files:

    AlexF66 likes this.
  13. PSG

    PSG Member

    Final conclusion:
    in PRO/Standard version mounting of other than storage usb device works OK because this window shows up and you can click ALLOW or NOT
    in business version this window doesn't show up so only default device like storage usb would be mounted
    the question is:
    Why business version is cut from important feature ?

    Attached Files:

  14. HazzaaE

    HazzaaE Bit poster

    I had network failed after upgrade to Big Sur. I tried to use this procedure : sudo -b /Applications/Parallels\'],

    Since yesterday my mac is working to create something (attached photo) and I can see the size of my HDD is dramatically going down. Can I stop this procedure and how to recover the 60 GB already consumed in my HDD?
    Best Regards,

    Attached Files:

    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 24, 2021
  15. petergram

    petergram Bit poster

    also it's true that only USB storage device like pen-drive works in VM, I can't see different devices like usb->serial port emulating COM port or other standard windows usb devices. Parallels desktop can see I attached this type of device in "usb device" window but can't mount it to VM bootcamp win10PRO
    i tried to play with USB2.0 and 3.0 option on/off but nothing helped, all storage are ok but nothing more
  16. PSG

    PSG Member

    look at my post for answer about other than usb storage:

    Network Initialization Failed
  17. PSG

    PSG Member

    Maybe support could help us to fix issue with mounting usb other than storage in business version, but I think they will not do it for sure.
  18. buckZor

    buckZor Bit poster

    Am I the only one noticing that RenatN's post on Page 10, which WORKS BTW, has been removed? It would also appear that this user no longer exists... banned, for helping people?
  19. NeillP1

    NeillP1 Bit poster


    Maria - sorry I didn't/t answer your question from 19/11. As I only get the warning message and my network works fine - I have just lived with the problem and hadn't checked back in. After all my issue is only an annoying popup once at startup.

    However to answer your question. I am running the VM in shared Network mode. If I swap to Bridged the issue is exactly the same. I get the popup on startup but have the network within the VM still. Hope this helps.
  20. lalala

    lalala Bit poster

    There are some copys of the solution:

    1) Close Parallels completely
    2) In Terminal, type : sudo nano /Library/Preferences/Parallels/network.desktop.xml (this will open the Terminal text editor "nano")
    3) Type your admin password to access the file
    4) Locate this line <usekextless>-1</usekextless> it could be also value 1 and replace whatever value there with 0, so you should have <usekextless>0</usekextless>
    5) Press Ctrl+O to ask for a save, then Ctrl+X to close the editor
    In Terminal, type : sudo nano /Library/Preferences/Parallels/dispatcher.desktop.xml
    find <usb>0</usb> and change 0 to 1
    again Press Ctrl+O to ask for a save, then Ctrl+X to close the editor
    6) Close Terminal and open Parallels like normal, your VM should load like on Catalina and before :)

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