Parallels 10 Dock Icon

Discussion in 'Installation and Configuration of Parallels Desktop' started by Gernot Leitgab, Aug 20, 2014.

  1. nickolay

    nickolay Bit poster

    I'm honestly quite surprised at the replies from the Parallels representative here, so I logged a support ticket #1999424.
    (Although it's not the first time the Parallels upgrade broke something that worked fine in a previous version and nobody caring.)
  2. geoff_g

    geoff_g Bit poster

    Amazing lack of can be arrogant like this but pissing off customers is not a good long term strategy. If it's not fixed soon you'll be losing at least one customer that much I can guarantee.
  3. Lars_Ericson

    Lars_Ericson Bit poster

    +1 This needs to be fixed A.S.A.P.
  4. Jan_Ja

    Jan_Ja Bit poster

    + 151
    This is not good at all. Will never update Parallels again if this is not fixed VERY SOON !
  5. Macwinpro

    Macwinpro Bit poster

    I agree, should be optional. Also very frustrated that Parallels continues to ignore the problem by touting it as a feature.
  6. Adrian_Maggs

    Adrian_Maggs Bit poster

    WOW! Where do you get off posting such an arrogant response, when clearly this option is UNIVERSALLY hated by everyone in this thread!

    The previous version did not have this limitation, and I can see no reason why version 10 HAS to have it - sure make it an option, for those who need help in "accessing the particular Virtual Machine at a Click.", but give us back the option to remove the dock icon like it was in the previous version, or at least give a justifiable excuse why it is now essential (and "because we've added it" is not a justifiable excuse!)
  7. TxAg

    TxAg Bit poster

    +1 to this annoying one-size fits all mentality.

    I have officially purchased my last Parallels upgrade if this is the type of response we can expect from Parallels Support. VMWare and Parallels were already neck and neck in my book. This just pushes me over to the other side.
  8. Ivar_Ljungberg

    Ivar_Ljungberg Bit poster

    Let me add my voice to the complaints here.

    This is not purely aesthetics or the fact that an extra icon is unnecessarily taking precious dock real state - those are nuisances, but I could live with them.

    The main in problem here is that, as a the side effect, we now need to opt-tab twice in order to switch out of a VM into another App. Seems like a small thing, but in practice it can be really-really annoying, just because it's an action we users perform all the time.

    This was a design decision, so I'm sure it can be changed. I just hope Parallels is listening...
    Yeong_Dae likes this.
  9. JonBreen2000

    JonBreen2000 Bit poster

    +1 for this VERY annoying 'feature'.
    I agree with John_Gunn above, I switched TO Parallels from VMWare a couple of years ago when Parallels had a good lead on them from a performance view point. Now they are neck and neck. And I'm really tired of all the paid updates we are forced into purchasing.( like version 10 )....
  10. Andrew_Hansen

    Andrew_Hansen Bit poster

    +1 Another annoyed user

    I just updated to P10 from P9 tonight. I've spent the past hour trying to figure out why the hell there are two dock icons. This is stupid, stupid, stupid. You provide the option to remove the menu icon, why not an option to use only one dock icon? Nobody is asking you to reverse course. What we are asking for is the OPTION to use the former method.
  11. Jeroen_Clarysse

    Jeroen_Clarysse Bit poster

    +1 for me. Please make this feature optional so we can disable it. I like my dock uncluttered, especially since I only run only one VM, as probably 90% of your customers do.
  12. Andrey_Sudarchikov

    Andrey_Sudarchikov Bit poster

    +1 You must make this feature optional so we can disable it!!!! Each time i see this icon i want to remove it from dock, i don't need it!!!
  13. Andrey_Sudarchikov

    Andrey_Sudarchikov Bit poster

    Do you realy think it must be ALWAYS in dock???? take a look, a lot of people ask you make it optional!!!! Isn't it IMPORTANT?
  14. Randy_Weinstein

    Randy_Weinstein Bit poster

    I adamantly agree as well, please fix this ASAP or I am uninstalling Parallels. I went from no icons to 2 icons in my dock AND you added one to my desktop?!?! It went from being invisible to anything but and it was a HORRIBLE decision. PLEASE listen to everyone going nuts and change it!!!
  15. Robert_Swanson

    Robert_Swanson Bit poster

    Enthusiastically adding my +1 to this thread. Dear Parallels staff, are you listening? You could instantly please a huge number of your users by adding a simple preference setting to allow people to turn off this Control Center "feature".... As it stands, every time I hit cmd-tab or look at my dock I'm reminded how Parallels is adding unnecessary clutter to my Mac.

    Bottom line: I don't want to see the Control Center app cluttering up my dock, period. I don't need it for my simple single-VM setup, and it's pretty clear from this thread and numerous other threads that the majority of Parallels 10 users don't want it either.
  16. William Fulmer

    William Fulmer Junior Member

    +1 - completely unnecessary and should be an option such as
    [] Click Launches Desktop Control Center
  17. Mark_Hudson

    Mark_Hudson Bit poster

    Agreed... very annoying not being able to remove the Control Centre once the selected VM is opened... every time I jump back to the Mac and then try to move back to Windows VM I have to then click to close the control centre which automatically pops up. Probably fine for the programmers but a REAL irritant to users. Please, please fix or at least add an option to disable this behaviour.
  18. Stefan_Christiansen

    Stefan_Christiansen Bit poster

    +42 from me - not only does it add one extra icon however it is started ... using either Parallels Control Center or the VM's image (.pvm) ... but it adds another, third(!!!) icon if started from the shortcut from within the .pvm ... !

    This is bad UI, worst UX and last, but not least a bug - fix it!
  19. Matthias_Meier

    Matthias_Meier Bit poster

    +1 - that's a very annoying "feature" and you really need to make it optional.
  20. WindowsUser

    WindowsUser Bit poster

    +1 -- we do not need a separate icon for each VM!!!!!!! terrible design. let users turn it off.

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