Fedora Virtual Machine Error. File is Corrupt! I have had several recent startups of Parallels (Parallels for Mac 3.0 build 5584) crash unexpectedly. After restarting, the crash goes away and everything runs normally until my last shutdown of Parallels which went normally. Upon trying to restart Parallels, it would not recognize my fedora virtual machine (only giving me an option for my windows xp virtual machine). I looked in the fedora directory and noticed that the fedora.pvs file is now ZERO k in size and trying to open the fedora.hdd virtual machine with Parallels Mounter or Explorer gives me a message that the file is corrupt. Has anyone else run into this? I have had flakey behavior with this latest build. I really need to access some files on this virtual machine. Any ideas on how I can extract them or restore this virtual machine?