XP Welcome screen

Discussion in 'Parallels Desktop for Mac' started by occitan, May 1, 2006.

  1. occitan

    occitan Bit poster

    Many thanks for the fast moving beta program ! This is a fantastic package going from strength to strength with each beta.

    I have installed Windows XP SP2 on my Mac Book Pro 2.0 Ghz, and it runs very smoothly. The only speed issue I have is the amount of time spent in the Windows "welcome" screen when booting XP. It seems to be in excess of 30 seconds.

    Now I don't know windows that well, so I thought this was normal, until I read a number of posts mentioning very fast boot times in PWS and also after having seen the video on the internet comparing PWS with Bootcamp. On that video, it seemed like XP spent allmost no time at all on the welcome screen, and went straight to the desktop.

    Now, does this long "welcome" pause come from my config of PWS, or does it come from my config of XP, or is it just normal, and I shouldn't expect any better than a 30s wait while XP welcomes me ?

    Thanks for any advice
  2. VTMac

    VTMac Pro

    It's more than likely something unique to your config - probably some installed software - maybe a slow to respond DHCP server - but I doubt it's Parallels. It's still quick as ever for me. Maybe it's windows searching for USB devices??? Do you have devices connected?
  3. pfb

    pfb Junior Member

    Same problem here. No USB devices, DHCP is fast enough for other needs... It's accessing the disk drive (according to the little icon on the bottom), but I can't figure out what it's doing.

    Mine is more like a minute waiting at that "Welcome" screen

    Totally vanilla XP install, as I only need IE6.0 from the Windoze environment
  4. Mark

    Mark Member

    Same thing here, and this was much faster in previous versions. I think it got slower in Beta 5.

  5. occitan

    occitan Bit poster

    I've only mouse and keyboard connected via USB.

    My DHCP server is fast with any other machine. I have the same problem wether connected via wireless, ethernet either at home or work and also when disconnected, so I'd be surprised if it's due to a particular network situation.

    I'm both sorry and glad to hear it's not just me. There must be something particular going on here.

    Is there any way of finding out what the VM is doing (some kind of debug log ?)

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