I have tried the following with both 2.5 (Build 3188) and 3.0 (Build 4124) with the same results. Both were successfully activated with a full Parallels key. I am creating a new VM from the full retail version of WinXP Home SP2. After entering Windows activation key, Windows successfully boots off the DVD and starts loading boot files onto the VM HDD. Then when Windows reboots onto the new HDD image, instant BSOD, the same as others have reported in this forum. Stopping the VM and starting again just hangs when it tries to boot off the HDD image. The reason I am creating a new VM and not upgrading an existing one, is because I just received a new MacBook replacement. I didn't make a back up of the old VM because I was planning a fresh start when I sent the MacBook in for repair, not expecting it to be replaced. Old working configuration: MacBook Core Duo, 2GB, 60GB drive, orginal version of Parallels, upgraded to 2.5. New non-working configuration: MacBook Core 2 Duo (one of the new updated MacBooks), 2GB, 120GB drive, Parallels 2.5 and 3.0.