Working beta 6 99,9 %

Discussion in 'Parallels Desktop for Mac' started by michaelbo, May 4, 2006.

  1. michaelbo

    michaelbo Bit poster

    I have a Macbook Pro "gig with 2gig Ram and have installed version Beta 6 on it and everything works flawlesly, well almost everything. :confused:
    I use Windows to establish a VPN connection to a surveillance and control system and while the VPN (Cisco 3000) works like a charm there seems to be some problems inside the VPN.
    In order actually control the system I start up Internet Explorer when the connection is established by double clicking a small html application. This should initiate download of an SFA engine ? that actually visualises pumps and valves and so on and futhermore makes it possible to operate them.
    As far as I know this process is acomplished using scripting and active x.
    I have attached a screenshot.
    If I try the process running the machine in Boot Camp everything works perfect. :p
    Apart from this issue, unfortunately very important to me as it is the only reason for using Windows, Parallels Workstation is a must have.

    Attached Files:

  2. Phydoux

    Phydoux Bit poster

    Sounds to me like a networking issue. Do you have Parallels configured to connect your virtual machine via NAT, or is it a bridged network connection instead? I suspect if it is NAT it is breaking the VPN connection (since the VPN is trying to make sure that packets are transferred securely and are not being tampered with. NAT can appear to a VPN that the packets have been tampered with.)

    Try setting your network configuration in your virtual machine to be bridged and see if that makes a difference.
  3. michaelbo

    michaelbo Bit poster

    it is running bridged mode, I dont think its the network as i can connect on the same connection with remote desktop.
  4. michaelbo

    michaelbo Bit poster

    Iam happy to report that i have solved the problems described. The hickup was due to that running the Win xp install disk that the installer includes different .DLL files to what setup thinks you will use, so my xp install on bootcamp was actually different from my parallels install... typycal bloody useless Windows.
    Anyway everything works perfectly now, and now I will place an order thank you !!

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