WM5 for all

Discussion in 'Parallels Desktop for Mac' started by maverick808, Jun 16, 2006.

  1. maverick808

    maverick808 Hunter

    USB WM5 for all

    Previously my colleague and I wrote a little app to let developers use WM5 devices inside Parallels. I've now improved it and now it should let all users sync their WM5 devices in Parallels. Without this app in Parallels WM5 devices may only sync one time and will always disconnect after a minute or so. This app fixes this so that WM5 devices reliably sync and will never disconnect unless you actually unplug the device. I hope at least a few of you find it useful.

    To use it you must first put your WM5 device in serial mode. To achieve this either use the USBSwitch app which might already be on your device in Start->Accessories or ActiveSync Mode which is in Settings->Connectons.

    If you have neither of the above already on your device then install and try USBSwitch from here.

    Next just install the app which you can download from here.

    Run the app and your WM5 device should sync up and work fine.

    Updated: Version 0.2 released (just fixes the annoying exception when shutting Windows down)
    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 8, 2006
  2. rbushway

    rbushway Bit poster

    Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! It works like a charm.

    For the first time since running Parallels, I'm able to sync my Treo 700W to Outlook!
  3. Randy

    Randy Bit poster

    Fantastic! Works like a champ - just make sure you see the five little but crucial words - after you RUN THE APP - which I missed, thinking it was some kind of patch - but it's an additional app that will run in the system tray - and it works!

    Thanks, maverick808 & colleague.
    Last edited: Jun 16, 2006
  4. PetraHonig

    PetraHonig Junior Member


    can you give me a tip how to use your tools ?

    I have ActiveSync 4.1 in my parallels Desktop (final version). When I connect my PPC, it's recognized and XP installs it as a "Windows Mobile-based Device" but ActiveSync can not find it.

    Then I installed USBSWITCH on the PPC and changed ActiveSync mode to "Serial". Now the PPC is recognized as "WindowsCE.NET 5.0" device but XP can not install a driver for it. It has still a yellow marker in the Device Manager. Then I start SyncAlive and it appers in the bar but that's all.

    When I now start ActiveSync the behaviour is just the same as without your program and the changed settings using USBSWITCH.

    Am I using your tools correctly ?
  5. steltenp1

    steltenp1 Bit poster

    Absolutely Amazing

    Thanks! This works beautifully. It was the one thing that was making me start to question if Parallels was worth the money ... now it definitely is.
  6. maverick808

    maverick808 Hunter

    Did you actually run the application? Do you see the SyncAlive icon in the system tray?
  7. PetraHonig

    PetraHonig Junior Member

    Dear maverick808,

    yes I see it, it's blue. I also tried "autostart" and rebooted the system.

    Currently I tried to enable developer mode as you describe in the other posting but it looks like the PHM registry editor does not allow me to browse through the registry.

    BTW, I am using a Yukon based PPC running Windows Mobile 5.0, OS 5.1.40 (build 14406.1.1.1). It runs well when using Boot Camp on the same system in ActiveSync mode.
  8. maverick808

    maverick808 Hunter

    Perhaps there is a problem with your device entering serial mode. We'll have to try a few things so I'll PM you my email and we can try to sort it out.
  9. Robster

    Robster Hunter


    Installed your program and this is the first time I have actually managed to get Parallels to recognise my WM5 Wizard.

    It paired them fine but when it starts an Activesyn it suddenly stops.

    It comes up with the following message:-

    Activesync encountered a problem on the desktop.

    Support Code 85010014.

    Any ideas what this could be?

    I am running with latest version of the i-mate K-JAM rom.

    Windows XP Pro with all service packs and updates applied.

    Activesync 4.1.

    Any and all help would be very much appreciated.


    PS My K-JAM is still connected and I can browse it??????
  10. coopermj@muohio.edu

    [email protected] Junior Member

    Not pairing

    Thanks for sharing the app! But, I'm not having success. :/

    I have a Treo 700w that goes through Connecting... but doesn't form a partnership. I even hard reset the 700w since I had originally paired it with my office desktop, but it still just says Connecting... for a while with the spinner spinning and the device shows connected. Then it stops and says No partnerships.

    I have gone into connection settings and hit the Connect button to restart the wizard and the wizard disappears when I attach, but doesn't start the pairing.


  11. maverick808

    maverick808 Hunter

    I think this might be a problem particular to your setup as I found it mentioned before in this thread...


    Maybe try following that thread and deleting your partnerships in activesync?

    If that doesn't work completely uninstall and reinstall activesync.
    Last edited: Jun 17, 2006
  12. maverick808

    maverick808 Hunter

    I notice rbushway at the top of the thread has a Treo 700w working. Maybe he could say if he had to do something extra to get it working?
  13. Robster

    Robster Hunter



    I tried that between leaving my posting and coming back and it did actually fix it first time around.

    However I cannot make it connect a second time. :mad:

  14. maverick808

    maverick808 Hunter

    Could you plug it in and then go into the device manager (control panel->system->hardware) and let me know the category the device is in, it's name and if it has a yellow icon next to it. Thanks.
  15. msolsona

    msolsona Junior Member

    I had sucess wit 700w in Serial mode. The usbswitch it is already in the Treo. I had aleady upgraded the Treo with MSFP.

  16. Robster

    Robster Hunter

    I will if you want but I forced a rest of my K-JAM and it has worked perfectly ever since.

    I have connected-disconnected-reconnected at least half a dozen times now and all workiing fine.

    My only problem is one you cannot help me with.

    I have Sprite Backup and would like to backup my K-JAM to my VM but Sprite causes the K-JAM to reboot as part of the backup procedure and of course I cannot set it to serial.

    So for now I cannot backup.

    Lets hope Parallels fix this soon but in the meantime your little application is life saver.


  17. maverick808

    maverick808 Hunter

    Nope, no need to reset. If it's working just enjoy it. Glad we could help.
  18. indiekiduk

    indiekiduk Junior Member


    What does the usb/serial switcher actually do? Does it just modify the registry?
    Last edited: Jun 18, 2006
  19. smaug

    smaug Bit poster

    Motorola Q

    I'm trying this solution wih the Motorola Q and can't get it to work. Two things happen:

    1. I activate the serial mode with the program on the Q and parallels identifies it as a WM5 Device instead of a WM5 NIS Device, so I assume the serial program is working.

    2. When I choose the WM5 Device, Parallels gives me an error dialog that the device is already in use and to wait a few minutes and try again; waiting few minutes does no good - I always get the same error

    3. The Q freezes and has to be reset by removing the battery.

    Has anyone got this to work with the Q or any smartphone with WM5? :confused:
  20. rbushway

    rbushway Bit poster

    You have to launch the USB Switcher and set it to Serial - you'll need to relaunch USB Switcher everytime you reset your 700W as well.

    On the USB select icon on Parallels, make sure that you select Treo 700W as the usb device to use. I hae auto connect set to off.

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