Wireless problems with RC

Discussion in 'Parallels Desktop for Mac' started by loosecannon, May 26, 2006.

  1. loosecannon

    loosecannon Bit poster

    I have had intermittent problems pulling a DHCP address over the wireless under Parallels RC with my netgear router. One minute it can pull one, you shut down, come back several minutes later and it cannot get an address anymore. Plugging in an ethernet cable works fine. There appears to be no pattern. Has anyone else experienced this behavior?
  2. BenInBlack

    BenInBlack Pro

    Wireless secuity

    Just a question, are you using any wireless secuity? i use mac-addresses. Can you check the router active DHCP stack.
  3. loosecannon

    loosecannon Bit poster

    I am not using WEP or WPA but I do use Mac-Address access restrictions. However, turning this off seems to make no difference and since the wireless uses the same Mac address as the mac itself it shouldn't make a difference anyway. I am beginning to suspect some strange interaction between the parallels driver and the netgear router. I have never seen this on my linksys router that is at a different location but it is not used as often nor has as many users on the network.

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