WinXP lost connection to Samba Share

Discussion in 'macOS Virtual Machine' started by AndreN, Jan 3, 2013.

  1. AndreN

    AndreN Bit poster

    i use Windows XP with Parallels and in the virtual machine works a ms-access database.
    In the past everythink works fine. But then i have to install a update for MacOS and after this,
    my parallels 6 dont start anymore. So i get parallels 8 and install it.
    Windows XP starts and the ms-access database works.
    But after sometimes when i do nothing with the programm it lost
    the connection to the Network Share. I must kill the programm with the taskmanager
    and restart it.

    The Share works with Debian 6 and Samba. Several other PC with WinXP and Win7 works without
    Problems. Only the virtual machine with MacOS makes big trouble.

    Where can i start to solve the Problem?
  2. Andrew@Parallels

    Andrew@Parallels Parallels Team

    Does switching to Bridged Network mode in VM configuration make a difference?

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