Windows XP sort of bootcamped

Discussion in 'Windows Virtual Machine' started by Todivefor, Oct 12, 2013.

  1. Todivefor

    Todivefor Member

    I am running Parallels DT 9 on a macbookpro (mid 2012) and Mac OSX 10.8.5. I tried to BC this to find that WXP was no longer supported on BC. I was able to restore my Windows XP from my iMac to my macbookpro to a BC partition with winclone. It never booted in BC, but I have been able to run from this partition as a VM. I would like to convert this to a VM and get rid of the BC partition. I have not been successful doing this. I ran transporter and installed the output into a new VM, but when I try to boot, it stops and says something like you will need to logon to windows first. I should have captured the actual results but didn't, but can if needed. Is there a way I can get this BC VM converted to a VM?
  2. Artem Klimkin

    Artem Klimkin Member

    Please, try to import this WinXp VM using "Import BootCamp" option :
    1. Run PD
    2. Do not start VM
    3. Open VM list window
    4. Right click on WinXp
    5. Use "Import BootCamp" option

    If import failed, than create problem report (Help->Report a Problem) and post here the report number.
  3. Todivefor

    Todivefor Member


    That worked perfectly. Thank you.

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