Windows Media Player 11 sharing issues

Discussion in 'Windows Guest OS Discussion' started by Marcellus, Jun 21, 2008.

  1. Marcellus

    Marcellus Bit poster

    I want to hook up my XBOX 360 to my Windows Media Player 11 true Parallells.
    So i go to tools in my Windows Media Player 11, then to Library, then to Configure Sharing. I but a mark At share my media to BUT no devices are detected!!!

    I think it has to do with the ip Windows get from Parallels. Its not in the same range my MacBook Pro got or my others Windows XP computer or my XBOX 360..

    Cant i set Parallels to give Windows a IP Automaticly? So it goes on my network? OR is something else the problem?
  2. John@Parallels

    John@Parallels Forum Maven

    Actually Parallels Desktop does it, I suppose you need to switch to Bridged Ethernet, and in this case your device will be detested
  3. Marcellus

    Marcellus Bit poster

    Its already in bridged mode.

    I can acces my files true my xbox360 if there located on my harddrive from Parallels. But i can't acces them if they are on the networkstation Thats the shared HFS+ Disk.

    Is there a solution to this?
  4. John@Parallels

    John@Parallels Forum Maven

    Ok, double sharing is not working in Windows.
    Share disk from MacOS instead
  5. Marcellus

    Marcellus Bit poster

    I have shared my Disk in my MACOS. Cause if i didnt do that i wouldt have a networkstation on Parallels where i can acces my HFS+ Disk?

    What do you mean exactly with Share disk from MACOS instead?

    I tried using connect360 (Thats a MACOS based program) to acces my HFS+ external HD. But that dont work cause i live in a studentcampus with a shared network where there are like "30" XBOXes trying to connect to my HFS+ Disk. So that gives a conflict.. In Windows Media Player 11 i can manually choose from the "30" XBOXes and select mine from there. With the MACOS based 360connect program that isnt possible? (@ least i think so i mailed connect360 but they wont answer and they dont have a blog :( ) Addint my XBOX 360 ip manually in connect360 doesnt make a difference also. Please help me out?
    Last edited: Jun 23, 2008
  6. John@Parallels

    John@Parallels Forum Maven

    Another solution, reformat drive in NTFS and restore backuped files, and connect drive to Windows through USb and share it
  7. Marcellus

    Marcellus Bit poster

    If i do that My MAC OS dont understand my External HD cause the MACOS wont work with NTFS :(

    Im thinking about buying a router so 360 connect can acces my HD?
  8. John@Parallels

    John@Parallels Forum Maven

    Mac OS can read NTFS
  9. Mayo Deftinwolf

    Mayo Deftinwolf Bit poster

    I'm having the same problem...
    I don't want to format my external drive to NTFS, is there any other way?

    The Xbox 360 only recognizes Videos that are on the Virtual Hard Disk but it doesnt recognize the shared folders from my Mac...

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