Windows is shutting down... (and I'm still waiting)

Discussion in 'Parallels Desktop for Mac' started by Ken Kling, May 31, 2007.

  1. Ken Kling

    Ken Kling Junior Member

    I'm using build 3188.

    When I shutdown my Windows XP VM using Start->Turn off computer->Turn off

    the windows desktop disappears and then I see these messages as the OS attempts to shutdown:

    Logging off...
    Saving your settings...
    Windows is shutting down...

    The last message stays on the screen and the VM never shuts down or reaches the "stopped" status in Parallels. Same results when I choose to restart the VM instead of "turn off". I have no idea how to fix this. Does someone have a suggestion for a fix?
  2. VTMac

    VTMac Pro

    This is most likely a Windows issue that has nothing to do with Parallels. I have 2 Windows machines that do that right now. Usually it's some driver or application that is hung and won't shut down. An easy way to (possibly) confirm this is the cause is to boot Windows into Safe Mode and immediately shutdown. If it works correclty, you've got yourself a problem with some Windows app. Debugging it generally is a huge pain and it's just easier to wait a bit and hit the (virtual) power off.
  3. Ken Kling

    Ken Kling Junior Member

    VTMac your description is accurate to what I am seeing. Safe mode boot will shutdown correctly. The weird thing is that the problem appeared without any apparent change in the VM. Was working just fine, then stopped shutting down. Any suggestions on where to begin with the debugging?

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