Windows doesn't boot (stuck on spinning wheel), "Deleting snapshot"

Discussion in 'Windows Virtual Machine' started by JannisF, Jan 3, 2021.

  1. JannisF

    JannisF Bit poster

    Hello, I have Parallels Desktop Version 14.1.3 (45485) for Mac (macOS Mojave 10.14.6) and run Windows 10 on it. Whenever I launch Parallels and Windows, it gets stuck with the screen attached (spinning wheel), saying that it is deleting the snapshot - but it does that for eternity and Windows doesn't boot. Most menu items are not selectable (grey) - in particular those related to snapshots. How can I get Windows running again? Thanks very much for your help!
    PS: I sent Parallels the technical report No. 358619812.
    Bildschirmfoto 2021-01-04 um 01.15.06.png
  2. theodoreL1

    theodoreL1 Bit poster

    Having the same exactly issue here
  3. DarylD1

    DarylD1 Bit poster

    Same thing. Stuck for hours. Any advice?
  4. nanoplane

    nanoplane Bit poster

    Having the same issue. anyone resolve this? it's been about a day so far. Parallels Desktop v20. 2013 Mac Pro, MacOS Monterey. Lots of memory, Lots of disk available.

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