Windows 7: Runs from Parallels only OR Boot Camp partition

Discussion in 'Windows Virtual Machine' started by MacGregorS, Oct 16, 2010.

  1. MacGregorS

    MacGregorS Bit poster


    I have a Aluminum MacBook with 6 gb RAM and loaded W7 64 bit. I originally loaded under Parallels only. I am right now using only for checking at work email using the web but will likely use it for MS Office and maybe some games.
    As a newbie I did not really understand that I could load windows 7 onto Boot Camp and then be able to boot into W7 directly OR have Parallels run W7 using boot camp partition..

    My question--what is the advantage to having both options..

    Also is there any way of moving W7 to boot camp---IF I want to load w7 on to boot camp what would I have to do and would there be any issues with licensing as I have a full version but single use (i think) version of W7..

    Thanks for the help and advice

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