Windows 7 + Office 2013 = Bad Mojo

Discussion in 'Windows Virtual Machine' started by FireClown, Feb 21, 2013.

  1. FireClown

    FireClown Member

    Is anyone else out there trying to run Office 2013 in a Windows 7 VM on a late-2010 model Macbook Air with 256GB SSD and 4GB RAM? Office apps crash hourly for me and, when working, are noticeably much slower than the same Office 2010 apps. I have 1.5GB RAM assigned to the VM and the Office install was to a clean VM (although the VM was originally created a couple of years ago -- I saved a clean install archive).

    Not quite as bad as the crashing, I think MS reworked the Office UI so actions on screen appear smoother, but all that's done for me is keep me from getting work done. Even selecting text with ctrl-arrow looks like slow motion. I want SelectionDelay=0, not SelectionDelay=GetACupOfCoffee.
  2. ChrisK1976

    ChrisK1976 Bit poster

    Me too

    I posted a few days ago about this too - there appears to be a video driver issue.

    In the advanced settings for Word, you can disable using GPU acceleration for rendering: this loses you the nice smooth effects, but does at least stop the applications from crashing. Like you, I was getting regular (10 minutes or so) crashes under Parallels.

    Sadly, disabling GPU acceleration makes it like wading through treacle to use the packages, so a solution (update Parallels?) would be better.

    Hope someone can help, as we've both had loads of views but no responses...
  3. FireClown

    FireClown Member

    That analysis makes sense. When I eventually decide to wade back into Office 2013 I'll have to check that out. For now, I'm giving up on it. Too much work and too little time.
  4. LorenB

    LorenB Bit poster

    Whew! This fixed me.

    Thanks for the fix. Worked like a charm for me.


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