Is anyone else out there trying to run Office 2013 in a Windows 7 VM on a late-2010 model Macbook Air with 256GB SSD and 4GB RAM? Office apps crash hourly for me and, when working, are noticeably much slower than the same Office 2010 apps. I have 1.5GB RAM assigned to the VM and the Office install was to a clean VM (although the VM was originally created a couple of years ago -- I saved a clean install archive). Not quite as bad as the crashing, I think MS reworked the Office UI so actions on screen appear smoother, but all that's done for me is keep me from getting work done. Even selecting text with ctrl-arrow looks like slow motion. I want SelectionDelay=0, not SelectionDelay=GetACupOfCoffee.
Me too I posted a few days ago about this too - there appears to be a video driver issue. In the advanced settings for Word, you can disable using GPU acceleration for rendering: this loses you the nice smooth effects, but does at least stop the applications from crashing. Like you, I was getting regular (10 minutes or so) crashes under Parallels. Sadly, disabling GPU acceleration makes it like wading through treacle to use the packages, so a solution (update Parallels?) would be better. Hope someone can help, as we've both had loads of views but no responses...
That analysis makes sense. When I eventually decide to wade back into Office 2013 I'll have to check that out. For now, I'm giving up on it. Too much work and too little time.