Windows 11 PRO ARM/Parallels 17.1.0 (51516) and Xbox BLUETOOTH Controllers

Discussion in 'Parallels Desktop on a Mac with Apple silicon' started by SWANDY, Nov 14, 2021.


    SWANDY Pro

    Yes I know there is another thread about Windows 11 ARM and Xbox controllers but that was started as a discussion about USB connections. My question is about using BLUETOOTH as a connection.
    I have the setup in the title. I am currently running OS Build 22000.318 (just recently updated to that from .282). I have a Bluetooth Xbox One S controller. It pairs and connects perfectly to the Mac OS side (Monterey 12.0.1).
    However on the Windows side I see it listed as paired under Bluetooth devices. I also see something that says "Virtual Bluetooth Controller" - which I assume has something to do with Parallels. But I cannot get the controller to CONNECT on the Windows 11 side. Whether I first make sure it is connected on the MacOS side or make sure it is disconnected from the Mac side first, it will never connect to the Windows side. (I do remember at one point being able to connect it to the Windows side - however whether that was when I was running Windows 10ARM, an earlier build of Windows 11ARM or an earlier version of Parallels 16 or 17 I am not sure at this point. But I do remember testing it with the one controller game I have on Windows for someone on the forum here and it did pair/connect/work.)
    Any advice/suggestions would be appreciated. Thanks
  2. GabeZs

    GabeZs Member

    Hello Swandy,
    I tried the same config as you. However, the pairing / connection doesn't work proper (either way that you tried). If the Xbox controller happens to show up in the VM, it will either ask for a pin and fail, or it will connect and then disconnect immediately after. If you want to see the behavior, you can sometimes flip the Bluetooth toggle on and off in the Windows VM and it will sort of kick it Bluetooth into shape (long enough to see the controller and fail at pairing or staying connected).
    There is no fix, and the only way to use the controller is to roll back to parallels 17.0.1 and connect with a USB cable. To test, you'll want to make sure the controller isn't paired to anything. Then, turn the controller off and connect the USB cable. The controller will vibrate. Click on the USB icon and choose "controller" or agree to allow it to connect to the VM if prompted. Then, press the Xbox logo to turn on the controller and observe that it blinks and turns solid. You will now be able to use it.
    It is important to note that not even parallels 17.0.1 is working correctly with Bluetooth (unless 8bitdo adapter and PlayStation 3 controller).

    SWANDY Pro

    Thanks for the info. At this point the controller working was more of a "computer puzzle" for me. I only have one Windows game installed that needs a controller and I basically reinstalled it to test out the controller. Probably just give up and wait for MS or Parallels to fix the issue.
    (Now if someone can explain to me how to fix the Xbox app being unable to install games....)
  4. kevin56

    kevin56 Bit poster

    Same problem.
    I am using the latest PD 17.1.0 (51516) + Win11 ARM (build 22499.1010).
    1. xbox controller + bluetooth ❌
    The system cannot find my controller.
    2. xbox controller + receiver ❌
    The receiver does not blink anyway. The system control panel shows that something wrong with the driver. Tried to install several drivers but none of them works.
    3. xbox controller + cable ✔️
    This is the only solution right now. Seems to work well.
  5. henrymonk

    henrymonk Member

    so if I wanted to play wirelessly I have to downgrade to win 10 ARM 64 right ??
  6. henrymonk

    henrymonk Member

    can someone fucking response ? Jesus
  7. TimothyG7

    TimothyG7 Bit poster

    Same problem.
  8. MacHater

    MacHater Bit poster

    I recently switched to a Mac and was shocked at how often things don't "just work". The inability to use an Xbox controller wirelessly via Parallels was quite frustrating, but I finally worked out a solution. The 8bitdo Wireless USB adapter 2 is the key and, for anyone who has been banging their head against a wall while Apple and Parallels blame one another, the $20 is well worth it. This should work for PS, Switch and other bluetooth gamepads, too.
  9. henrymonk

    henrymonk Member

    well , they do " just work " , just not working at gaming aspect tho
    All these years Apple's reluctance toward gaming is appalling , while Microsoft is aggressively cornering the market even bought up The whole activision ,
    my mind still adjusting world of Warcraft & heroes of the storm / call of duty : modern war
    are now belongs to Microsoft

    i don't know what the fuck happened to apple's management ever since 20 years ago they lost Halo series to Microsoft
    and now apple is pushing their Apple Arcade like a retarded , I like how it works but they could have at least throw in some real games like Wreckfest , even GTA 4-5
    not just bunch of remastered mobile games

    hell, even the release platform aren't consistent
    Some Apple Arcade title are only available on iOS
  10. henrymonk

    henrymonk Member

    thanks for the advise ! Saves me lots of trouble
    I have wasted hours just for uninstall paraelle17 and install 1.0 version + reinstall windows 10 Arm64 version and trying to pair and unpair my controller
    Hours wasted just like that like a fucking retarded
    After all these years I have stood my ground , I have had enough, I decided to sell my MacBook Pro m1 pro and Mac Pro 2019 and just keep the Mac mini m1
    And buy a gaming pc instead of dealing with this shit ( I will use a steam deck to try and be the main gaming device when it have stock )
  11. SWANDY

    SWANDY Pro

    I assume that someone has actually tested this adapter on an M1 Mac/Parallels 17/Windows 11ARM? Don't really use a lot of Windows games that need a controller but would be worth the investment if I ever find one I really want to try. I have an xbox BT controller and the Steelseries Nimbus+ that between the two basically cover my macOS gaming needs but like others have not been able to connect either . Thanks.
  12. SWANDY

    SWANDY Pro

    So... has anyone used this adapter with a M1 Mac/Parallels/Windows 11ARM???? Might purchase it for future use if it actually works. Thanks.
  13. GabeZs

    GabeZs Member

    I'll pick up one today and try. I can tell you that the orange adapter (version 1) did not work unless paired with a PS3 controller (and it was a tap dance to get get working with the PS3 controller). Perhaps this black adapter (version 2) will finally work. I noticed that 8bitdo finally has a warning note about 2021 firmware on Xbox controllers not being supported with the orange adapter (version 1). Stay tuned my friends! I'll have an answer soon!
    SWANDY likes this.
  14. SWANDY

    SWANDY Pro

    THANKS!!! As I said I don't play anything under Windows that needs a controller but it would be nice to at least plan for future games that look interesting.
  15. MacHater

    MacHater Bit poster

    The black version that I referenced in my original post does work. I own it and use it with an Xbox Series S/X controller wirelessly with Windows 11 for ARM via Parallels 17.
  16. GabeZs

    GabeZs Member

    I can confirm that this adapter does indeed work once you update the firmware on it to 1.02. So far I have only tested with an Xbox One S controller and several games in my steam library.
  17. GabeZs

    GabeZs Member


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