Windows 10 VM keeps crashing at start

Discussion in 'Windows Virtual Machine' started by RHS, Aug 7, 2015.

  1. RHS

    RHS Hunter

    I went ahead and upgraded my Win7 VM to Win10.
    It seems to operate OK.
    One thing I have noticed is, just about EVERY time I launch PD, then start the Win10 VM, upon startup, when the little ping pong balls are rolling around in a circle, it's displaying "Starting" suddenly switches to "Stopping" and quits.
    I am then presented with a PD error reporting number, and I submit the report.
    I try restarting and the Win10 VM starts just fine.
    I have also noticed when I stop everything, then try to shut down my iMac, it will not because PD 10 is hung so I have to Force Close it.
    I believe these two things are related.
    Has anyone else out there seen this sort of thing since upgrading to Win10?
  2. Dhruba@Parallels


    Hi Robert,
    Please follow the steps suggested below:
    1. Un-install Parallels Desktop,
    2. Run repair disk permission.
    Open Disk Utility and run a permissions repair on your startup volume:
    Select your MacintoshHD on the left side of the window, select "First Aid" tab on the right side.
    Click 'Repair disk permissions'.
    After this is complete, close Disk Utility.
    3. Reboot the Mac.
    4. Download and install Parallels Desktop for here.
    5. Also follow the steps suggested at,
    Now start the virtual machine and check how it goes.
    Let me know if you have any additional questions.
  3. RHS

    RHS Hunter

    I followed your instructions and sadly, they did not help. Would you have instructions on how to perform a CLEAN install of Windows 10? I'd like to try creating a new VM then reinstalling the few apps that I use. Thank you.
  4. Manoj@Parallels

    Manoj@Parallels Parallels Support Parallels Support

    Hi Robert,
    To create a new Virtual Machine on Parallels Desktop using DVD or ISO image file provided by Microsoft, please follow the steps given at

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