Window Sizing

Discussion in 'Parallels Desktop for Mac' started by [email protected], May 13, 2007.


    [email protected] Bit poster

    I have a MacBook Pro (Intel) with a 20" monitor. When I run Parallels I can't get it to fill the screen so I end up working in these small windows. I spend a lot of time in Parallels so I would really love to take advantage of my 20" monitor. I've tried a variety of things but nothing helps. Its an Apple monitor by the way.

    P.S. I run 10x faster in Parallels than I do on my Mac native. Go figure.
  2. Hugh Watkins

    Hugh Watkins Forum Maven

    I use the 22"

    just postion the top left corner of the window
    then drag the bottom right corner until the monitor is full

    please state versions whemn you ask for help

    it is a mac os window and obeys those rules - remembering the last two sizes on the green button

    Hugh W

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