Hello Parallels team! I will skip the usual praise about what a great tool Parallels is, since it's been often writen and we all know it In fact, Parallels was so good, that I bought a Workstation license last december and have been happily using it on Linux since then. Now in a few days I'll get my shiny new I-Mac (Apple already shipped it ), and of course I want to continue using Parallels. So the question is, will my licence key also unlock the MacOSX version? If not will I get a new Mac key for -- yes I dare to ask -- free? I know Paralles isn't that expensive, but being a big Parallels fanboy from the start and being a poor student just having shelved out a ton of money for my MAC I just have to ask ... Or perhaps Parallels might think about a special offer for Switchers, like "upgrading" your Linux/windows licence to a OSX one for 10$? Thank you.
I actually have the same question, but the other way around! I purchased (pre-ordered) a Mac license, and now I would like to run a copy of PW on a Linux box. If the only thing to do is just to buy a second license for a Linux version, then I will just do that, because the price is more than fair. But, I am also a poor student, so I am wondering if there is any cross-platform licensing or upgade path offered? Thanks!
I asked this question via the Contact Us, and was told that I would need to buy a seperate license for the Mac version. Not really a big deal, but it would be nice to get some sort of discount, though, for buying both types. Anyone from Parellels care to comment?
*Bump* Can we please have an official statement from Parallels regarding the issue? If it is, what IscariotJ has been told, at least I do not want to miss the preorder opportunity Thanks! P.S.: I have my Mac now. It's really nice
Hi guys - Mac keys are not compatible with the Windows or Linux versions of Parallels Workstation (or vice-versa), so you'll need to pick up an additional license to run PW on a second machine. We're looking into different upgrade/customer loyalty options now, so stay tuned for more information on that.
Off topic question I've seen "bump" posted a couple of times, once just "bump bump bump" and I wonder what it means. Maybe it's a reference to a TV show I haven't seen or something. Inquiring minds want to know. TIA
. People use bump as in "bump it up the list". This is because a new post will put the thread to the top of the thread list in the forum. So people will read it again. .