Will Linux licence work under OSX version?

Discussion in 'General Questions' started by Jisi, May 7, 2006.

  1. Jisi

    Jisi Member

    Hello Parallels team!

    I will skip the usual praise about what a great tool Parallels is, since it's been often writen and we all know it :)

    In fact, Parallels was so good, that I bought a Workstation license last december and have been happily using it on Linux since then.

    Now in a few days I'll get my shiny new I-Mac (Apple already shipped it :) ), and of course I want to continue using Parallels. So the question is, will my licence key also unlock the MacOSX version? If not will I get a new Mac key for -- yes I dare to ask -- free? I know Paralles isn't that expensive, but being a big Parallels fanboy from the start and being a poor student ;) just having shelved out a ton of money for my MAC I just have to ask ...

    Or perhaps Parallels might think about a special offer for Switchers, like "upgrading" your Linux/windows licence to a OSX one for 10$?

    Thank you.
  2. alkalifly

    alkalifly Hunter

    I actually have the same question, but the other way around! I purchased (pre-ordered) a Mac license, and now I would like to run a copy of PW on a Linux box. If the only thing to do is just to buy a second license for a Linux version, then I will just do that, because the price is more than fair. But, I am also a poor student, so I am wondering if there is any cross-platform licensing or upgade path offered?
  3. IscariotJ

    IscariotJ Member

    I asked this question via the Contact Us, and was told that I would need to buy a seperate license for the Mac version. Not really a big deal, but it would be nice to get some sort of discount, though, for buying both types. Anyone from Parellels care to comment?
  4. Jisi

    Jisi Member

    Can we please have an official statement from Parallels regarding the issue? If it is, what IscariotJ has been told, at least I do not want to miss the preorder opportunity :)


    P.S.: I have my Mac now. It's really nice :)
  5. Ben @ Parallels

    Ben @ Parallels Member

    Hi guys -

    Mac keys are not compatible with the Windows or Linux versions of Parallels Workstation (or vice-versa), so you'll need to pick up an additional license to run PW on a second machine.

    We're looking into different upgrade/customer loyalty options now, so stay tuned for more information on that.
  6. IscariotJ

    IscariotJ Member


    That's good news! Now if only Apple would release a MacBook.....
  7. joem

    joem Forum Maven

    Off topic question

    I've seen "bump" posted a couple of times, once just "bump bump bump" and I wonder what it means. Maybe it's a reference to a TV show I haven't seen or something.

    Inquiring minds want to know.

  8. IscariotJ

    IscariotJ Member

    Bump is just used to bring a topic back to the top of the page.
  9. constant

    constant Forum Maven

    People use bump as in "bump it up the list". This is because a new post will put the thread to the top of the thread list in the forum. So people will read it again.
  10. joem

    joem Forum Maven

    Off topic

    Thanks to both of you for the info.

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