Now hold on. "Nut Cases?" 3.0 was rush out the door. Many of the "features" do not work. Forget about "running many of todays hottest 3D games". That won't happen. What upset everyone so much was Parallels' marketing hype. Most of it were outright lies. And continue to be. They haven't changed it at all. And 3.0 stil doesn't run "todays hottest games", or "USB support" or "etc, etc, etc". But, do yourself a favor and download the trail and see for yourself.
What upset people more were fanboys (lke a few here) who kept defending the company. it's not all roses. So don't beleive them.
This company has horrible support. And users have been complaining about that since the product was released.
Bottom line: is parallels good? Yes. Will it do for you what the marketing hypes? No. Is there support? Maybe. Does it work? Depends.
Now flame on.
PS: if there's one thing this whole "upgrade" experience taught me, is don't take Parallels' or anyone else's word on anything [about this product]. Download the trail. If it does what you want, then you good. Simple.
Oh and don't switch to Mac cause of Parallels. Switch to mac cause you tired of all the BS windows puts you through. If you need to run Windows and if Parallels (or Fusion) can't do what you need dual boot. Windows runs VERY well as a dual boot on Intel Macs. (Dual Boot = Boot Camp).
Last edited: Jun 12, 2007