WGL Extensions?

Discussion in 'General Questions' started by scratt, Oct 17, 2006.

  1. scratt

    scratt Bit poster

    Hi all...

    I am well aware that the graphics question has been well discussed here... and that better graphics support is slated for the future.. I have done a search here for WGL Extensions, and can find no discussion of them..

    So, are there any work arounds, or early attempts at getting WGL Extensions working in Parallels?

  2. David Corrales

    David Corrales Hunter

    Don't mean to be rude to anyone, but... why the heck is people using parallels for gaming or 3D work? It's non sense. If you're using Linux, there's dual booting. For Mac OS, there's boot camp.
    I've been hesitant lately about the general direction Parallels seems to be taking.

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