W2K Install successful, where to get W2K hardware drivers for Macbook?

Discussion in 'Windows Virtual Machine' started by Getwild2, Oct 10, 2007.

  1. Getwild2

    Getwild2 Bit poster

    I got Parallels installed, then Windows 2000 installed and fully updated. Now I'm wondering where to acquire the W2K hardware drivers for my Macbook?

    The drivers I need are:
    Audio Controller
    Other PCI Bridge Device
    USB Controller
    Video Controller

    Also, once I get the video driver installed, when I run W2K thru Parallels, will it be displayed in a larger screen? Right now it displays pretty small, even when I go full screen it displays small but blackens out the edges.

    Thanks for your help!! Sorry for the noob questions bu I am just that, a Mac noob! lol

  2. Hugh Watkins

    Hugh Watkins Forum Maven

    are you using boot camp
    or a pure VM?

    if the latter parallels Tools has the drivers you need

    Hugh W
  3. Getwild2

    Getwild2 Bit poster

    Its a pure VM. I'll research Parallels Tools, thanks for the direction.

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