VM with External GPU Thunderbolt 3

Discussion in 'Installation and Configuration of Parallels Desktop' started by RobR2, Feb 6, 2018.

  1. RobR2

    RobR2 Bit poster

    Hi does anyone have any experience of setting up an external GPU to run within the VM environment using Thunderbolt 3?
    I have a 2016 MBP 13" with Touch and running Parallels 13, I have just purchased a Mantiz Venus eGPU and looking to do some research on installation before it arrives early next week.
    Mantiz Venus is saying Thunderbolt 3 High Speed Transmission will not work in VM only Boot Camp, however if I google it, there is mention that Desktop 13 supports external thunderbolt SSD/HD so was wandering if it would also work with an eGPU
    Any ideas welcome
  2. Dmitry Geynisman

    Dmitry Geynisman Parallels Team

    Hi @RobR2, indeed, Parallels Desktop supports Thunderbolt data storage disks but not other Thunderbolt devices (eGPUs are PCIe devices which cannot be connected directly to VM). However, you can use the resources of your eGPU in VM, these instructions should help: http://kb.parallels.com/en/124266
  3. RobR2

    RobR2 Bit poster

    Thanks for the clarification, so does that mean if I intend to play serious games or photo editing etc I am better also installing a boot camp installation?
  4. Dmitry Geynisman

    Dmitry Geynisman Parallels Team

    Boot Camp indeed will give more possibilities when it comes to video/graphics, however I suggest you try virtual environment first for your needs, it might be satisfactory with eGPU as a primary display.

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