VM crash on Win XP startup

Discussion in 'Parallels Desktop for Mac' started by tcguru, Apr 3, 2007.

  1. tcguru

    tcguru Bit poster

    I get a persistent "Fatal error in virtual machine monitor" message, along with a request to send debug data to Parallels. I have sent the data a few times over the last two days. My question is: how can I get back in business without reinstalling Parallels and Win XP (plus apps) all over again?
  2. Andrew @ Parallels

    Andrew @ Parallels Parallels Team

    Could you post crash report in this topic please?
  3. tcguru

    tcguru Bit poster

    Each crosh produced an email to Parallels, so about 5 or so have been sent. What else do I need to do?
  4. zygoatinottawa

    zygoatinottawa Bit poster

    This happens to me on occasion, usually when starting the VM directly via a shortcut to the .hdd file on the desktop.

    Try exiting Parallels, then starting Parallels Desktop as an application first, THEN lauching the VM using the start arrow.

  5. tcguru

    tcguru Bit poster

    Unfortunately, that's the way I ordiinarily work: Parallels first, then launching the VM using the start arrow. XP starts up, goes to the sign in window, and then, after a few seconds, I get the Fatal error mesage. At least it's not the Blue Screen of Death but the outcome is the same: no joy.
  6. tcguru

    tcguru Bit poster

    Problem solved?

    I seem to have fixed the problem by:

    1. copying the original XP VM to a new file: XP-1;
    2. booting the new VM and immediately hitting F8 to get into Windows Safe Mode;
    3. rebooting from Safe Mode in the hopes that the shutdown process will delete whatever was the problem before.

    It worked. This time. Fortunately, I had enough spare disk space so that making a copy of the VM was not a problem. I'll delete the original VM later, after I'm sure this fix sticks.
  7. uesjd

    uesjd Bit poster

    I have this same problem, and I have sent way more than 5 of those crash reports to Parallels -- never got a response from them, never seen a solution posted here, or a comment from Parallels here, even though I am a paid, registered owner of Parallels. I would be very interested to learn whether your fix has provided a long-term solution.
  8. RatRod404

    RatRod404 Bit poster

    Shared Folder Problem?

    I all of the sudden got the blue screen of death upon every startup. I removed the shared folders started windows, let windows sort itself out, shut down & reenabled shared folders. It now works without any issues. Hope this helps.

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