VM boot options not recognized?

Discussion in 'Parallels Desktop for Mac' started by BruceP, Apr 9, 2007.

  1. BruceP

    BruceP Bit poster

    I've got Parallels set up to boot a Windows XP VM from Bootcamp. Under Edit -> Virtual Machine -> Booting I have both options "Start VM automatically when it is opened" and "Exit application on VM shutdown" unchecked. However Parallels always automatically starts the VM when I launch it, and always shuts down when I stop the VM. The only way I can edit the VM settings is to launch Parallels and then cancel the VM launch when it prompts me for the Bootcamp password. This is pretty annoying when I want to make any configuration changes. Does anybody know why these settings seem to be being ignored and what, if anything, can be done about it?


  2. daddy94611

    daddy94611 Bit poster

    Am unable to edit my VM, because I have VM configured to automatically boot (to Win XP). When I stop the VM (running XP), Parallels quits. How do I open Parallels without autobooting if I have already configured it to auto boot? (any way to interrup the autoboot without closing Parallels?)

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