Vista Ultimate, but will not pick up any wifi networks...

Discussion in 'Parallels Desktop for Mac' started by sakimac, Jun 10, 2007.

  1. sakimac

    sakimac Bit poster

    Hi guys,

    I was wondering if somebody could assist me with a problem while running parallels that I was having after I installed vista ultimate on my macbook pro. The problem that I am having is that vista ult. will not pick up any of my networks when I start it up, it says that the network drivers are not installed. I have tried to run parallels on all three network options. Has anyone else come across this problem? If so, could someone please assist me on this issue, because this is wasted copy of vista if I am not allowed to use the internet while operating vista ult.

    Also, it wont even pick up when it is plugged into the cable modem...

    Thanks in advance.

  2. mjlaing

    mjlaing Bit poster

    I am having the exact same problem.

    Parallels 3.0, Boot Camp 1.3

    Booting in Boot Camp - ethernet and wireless drivers work perfectly.

    When I boot using Parallels, I am prompted to update the ethernet driver. I point it towards the windows driver disk and it fails to find a suitable driver. After closing this, the same thing repeats for the wirless driver.

    I did not have this problem using the previous version of Parallels, or with the 1.2 version of bootcamp. It only occured when I upgraded both. Unfortunately there is no way to downgrade the Boot Camp from 1.3 to 1.2.

    Please assist in why Parallels will not use the installed network drivers from a bootcamp partition. Thank you.
  3. darkone

    darkone Forum Maven

    becuase Parallels is a VIRTUALISATION application, so when you are running windows within it, you are NOT accessing the Apple Wireless card directly. Parallels installs its own adapter into Windows and then you setup Paralllels to use your Airport connection. If you do not have a parallels adapter, you probably havent installed the parallels tools.
  4. mjlaing

    mjlaing Bit poster

    Hi Darkone,

    Thank you for replying. When booting in Parallels, I am prompted to install the ethernet and wireless driver. It won't find any drivers - even when I point at them. Because I can't get any network access, I can't access the parallels tools install executable. It's a bit of a catch 22. Is there something I'm doing wrong?

    Thanks again,

  5. wesley

    wesley Pro

    You don't need internet access to get Parallels Tools. It's sort of 'injected into' the VM by selecting 'Install Parallels Tools' under Actions menu. This will initiate an auto-run installation routine of PT installer from a disk image loaded inside the VM.

    Do not try to manually install network drivers. Windows do not have the drivers you're looking for.
  6. n1tul

    n1tul Bit poster

    im having this same problem, will installed ParTools get the Wifi working correctly?

  7. wesley

    wesley Pro

    The WiFi is going to be handled by OS X. Parallels will simply pass on a working internet connection via a virtualized ethernet adaptor (thus making it look like a wired connection instead of wireless) to inside the VM. And this virtualized ethernet adaptor should work properly once you install Parallels Tools.
  8. n1tul

    n1tul Bit poster

    cheers ill see if it works tonight, :)

    need RAM now, 1GB cant handle vista at all! :(
  9. mjlaing

    mjlaing Bit poster

    Just a quick note to say that my issue has been resolved.
    First I removed the old Parallels install.
    Then I did a clean reinstall of vista and bootcamp. Updated Vista, and installed the boot camp drivers.
    Then I created a new parallels install - pointing to the new bootcamp install.
    Once it booted up, the parallels tools started by itself. I waited for it to do it's thing and followed the prompts and now everything is working perfectly.

    Thank you for your help!
  10. n1tul

    n1tul Bit poster

    i just run parallel tools, worked a treat!? cheers all

    now gota resolve next problem! cannot install anything!? memory reference errors!?

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